Day: March 17, 2016

Marco Rubio: A Shooting Star That Has Burned Out!

Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s political career is over, as he not only lost his state in the Republican Presidential primary to Donald Trump by nearly 20 points, but also lost all 67 Florida counties, except for his home base of Miami Dade County!

What a complete collapse, and Rubio gave up his chance for reelection, mindful that he had said he was not happy in the Senate, an amazing statement as many, including this blogger, would love to be a member of the Senate, a very exclusive club!

Rubio is like a shooting star who has burned out short of age 45, and now he says he will not run for Governor in 2018 or for the Senate again, and certainly not for the US House of Representatives!

We have seen the last of Marco Rubio on the political scene, as how can one crash so badly and survive politically?

Of course, no one should feel sad for Rubio, who was way beyond his own level in the Senate, and although handsome and charismatic, never came across as terribly principled or even bright in a political sense!

But be assured, Marco, who is from a struggling family background, will do well financially in the corporate world, due to his time in the national spotlight.

So just like Eric Cantor of Virginia, who is doing very well on Wall Street after his defeat for House seat nomination in 2014, Marco will become wealthy and can make speeches for large amounts of money, so do not feel bad for him.

Rubio will never be President, but he had some fleeting fame, and will have a much more lucrative career than he ever would have had, had he not lost his quest for the Presidency!