Month: November 2015

Thirteen Of Fourteen Democratic Women Senators To Endorse Hillary Clinton, But Not Elizabeth Warren!

There are 20 women in the US Senate, with 14 of them being Democrats, and 6 being Republicans.

News has emerged that 13 of the 14 women Democratic Senators are about to endorse Hillary Clinton for President.

The exception is Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Warren is seen as much more to the left on many issues than Hillary Clinton, really much closer in views and attitudes to Independent Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, who is also running for President, but not gaining any significant support from fellow Senators.

The question is whether Warren will endorse Sanders, who is still seen as a long shot for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Warren is keeping her options open, but at the end, she will endorse Hillary when it is clear that Sanders cannot win the nomination.

Until then, Warren is effectively making Hillary Clinton squirm!

My Interview with Brian Lamb on C-SPAN’s “Q&A”

Thanks to all of you who took the time to watch my interview with Brian Lamb, which aired tonight at 8pm ET. If you missed my interview, it is on again tonight at 11pm ET, tomorrow morning at 6am ET, and on C-SPAN’s website by clicking on the image below.

Tonight Is One Hour C Span Interview On “Assassinations, Threats, And The American Presidency” With Brian Lamb At 8 PM Eastern!

Tonight, Sunday, November 29, is my one hour interview on C Span with Brian Lamb, regarding my book: ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield, August 2015).

The interview will air on C Span at 8 PM Eastern, repeated at 11 PM Eastern, and finally at 6 AM Eastern Monday morning, November 30, and will be available permanently on the website under the Brian Lamb Q & A listing of all of his hundreds of interviews over the past eleven years.

Please be sure to watch it, either on cable tonight and tomorrow morning, and/or on the internet.

Potential Third Party Candidates Or Independent Candidates Who Could Complicate Presidential Election Of 2016!

Third parties or independent movements have often affected American Presidential elections, and has helped to influence who is elected to the Presidency.

Several public figures are believed to be considering running, and it would only further complicate an already confusing election contest.

Donald Trump, despite signing a pledge to back the GOP Presidential candidate if it is not him, is now hinting that he might renege on his pledge, as he sees growing opposition from Republican Establishment personalities to the damage he is wreaking on the Republican Party.

Former Virginia Democratic Senator Jim Webb, who dropped out of the race after an unimpressive debate performance, is also flirting with the idea of running as an independent.

And there are rumors that another New York billionaire, former Democrat and Republican and Independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, might throw his “hat in the ring.”

Any of these three could have a deleterious effect, with Bloomberg having the potential to harm the Democrats; Webb to harm both parties;  and Trump to destroy any chance for the Republicans to win an already difficult race in the Electoral College!  None could win the Presidency, but help to decide who is inaugurated on January 20, 2017!

Longest Serving US Senators In American History, Six Terms And More!

25 United States Senators have served six terms or close to 36 years out of 1, 963 individuals who have served in the upper body of Congress.

17 0f these 25 served as Democrats, with 8 serving as Republicans.

11 come from the South, with 9 being Democrats, and only 2 being Republicans.

Longevity does not, necessarily, mean greatness in history, as many of the 25 are far from standouts in their years in the US Senate.

The most memorable in history would include Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Carl Levin, Richard Lugar and Claiborne Pell.

Others that would stand out for their long range influence would include Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond, John Stennis, Richard Russell, Russell Long, and James Eastland, but all are seen as primarily negative forces holding back progress on civil rights.

Others with more positive significance but not seen as “stars” would include Daniel Inouye, Carl Hayden, Patrick Leahy, Orrin Hatch, and Warren Magnuson.

Others that are seen as noteworthy but not likely to be remembered much in the long run of  history would include Ted Stevens, Ernest Hollings, Thad Cochran, and Pete Domenici.

The remaining five are all forgettable Senators, dealing with their states’ constituent needs, but having little impact beyond that including Francis Warren, Kenneth McKellar, Milton Young, Ellison Smith, and Allen Ellender.

Also, three from the list of 25 are from Mississippi (Stennis, Eastland, Cochran); three from South Carolina (Thurmond, Hollings, Smith); and two from Louisiana (Long, Ellender).

Additionally, states with small populations and only one Congressman, have Senators on the list, including Vermont (Leahy); Alaska (Stevens); Wyoming (Warren); Delaware (Biden); and North Dakota (Young).

Only two “larger” populated states have a Senator on the list, including Massachusetts (Kennedy) and Michigan (Levin)

Finally, only 8 Senators have served 40 or more years, in order as follows: Robert Byrd, Daniel Inouye, Strom Thurmond, Ted Kennedy, Carl Hayden, John Stennis, Patrick Leahy (still serving), and Ted Stevens, with only Byrd serving more than 50 years!

Donald Trump: The Demagogue, The Fascist, Dangerous For American Democracy!

It is now past five months since Donald Trump entered the Presidential race, and he is still number one in the polls for the GOP Presidential nomination.

It was thought that Trump was a “flash in the pan”, who would falter and collapse, but that has not happened.

Republicans are disillusioned not only with Barack Obama, but also with Republican leadership, and in the dangerous world we live in, they seem ready to throw away experience and select a man who has NEVER been in government, and has no clue on most issues, but uses code words and incendiary language to draw his support.

It is clear that racism, nativism, and ignorance are reigning today among Donald Trump supporters who seem not to care that most of what he says are all lies, manipulations of the truth, and pure demagoguery.

His appeal includes attacking Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, the news media, and anyone who dares to disagree with him, and his bully nature brings out the lowest class of people who love his boasting and egotistical nature.  He ridicules the disabled; insults women wit his misogyny; and acts in a fashion that should turn off any decent, intelligent human being, and yet no matter what he says or does, his support seems to remain strong, worrisome for the long term future of American democracy.

But John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, is speaking out on the reality that Trump is sounding more and more like a typical Fascist, as found in Spain with Francisco Franco, Argentina with Juan Peron, Italy and Benito Mussolini,  and elsewhere historically–the superhero who arouses an ignorant population to follow him in solving all problems, and has no problem in insulting and humiliating others.

Kasich is showing guts and courage, which so far no other GOP Presidential candidate seems willing to display.

Donald Trump must be stopped because he is a danger to America in both domestic and foreign affairs, who would undermine all of the progress made in the past century.  The right wing would prosper under his leadership, as all of the objectionable extremist groups in America would flock to him.

The Anti Obama Conspiracy Theories Still Thrive After Seven Years Of His Presidency!

Barack Obama has been subjected to more conspiracy theories and hate mongering than any President since Abraham Lincoln, including Richard Nixon!

The theories include:

Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, and his birth certificate was doctored to show he was born in Hawaii.

Obama was a Black Panther in the late 1960s when he was seven years old.

Obama caused the Great Recession of 2008 before he was in the Presidency.

Obama caused the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 when he was a freshman United States Senator.

Obama caused Hurricane Sandy in 2012 to harm Mitt Romney’s Presidential candidacy.

Obama is behind the mass shootings that have occurred under his watch.

Obama is gay, and was married to a Pakistani man.

Obama is the anti Christ.

Obama is trying to subvert the Constitution and cancel elections in 2016 and stay in power (This is Obama’s favorite, and he has chuckled to ask Michelle Obama about how she feels about that lol).

Michelle Obama is transgender, and really a man.

This is all so preposterous, but Barack Obama will survive all of this, and will go down as a President with many accomplishments, and those who have constantly attacked him, including Donald Trump and Fox News Channel  will have a bad reputation in history long term!

Politicians Who Served On The Supreme Court In The Past Hundred Years

The Supreme Court has, in recent decades, become a group of lower court judges who move up to the Supreme Court.

The thought that politicians, who were elected to public office or appointed to a President’s cabinet, would end up on the Supreme Court, is no longer a likelihood, which is, in many ways, tragic, as being a politician gives a different perspective on law than those appointed to lower courts and moving up to the Supreme Court.

Among those few politicians elected or appointed to public office who served on the Supreme Court in the past century of time are:

Charles Evans Hughes–Governor Of New York 1907-1910, Republican Presidential nominee in 1916, Secretary of State 1921-1925, along with serving as Associate Justice 1910-1916 and Chief Justice 1930-1941, appointed by William Howard Taft and Herbert Hoover.

William Howard Taft—Secretary of War 1904-1908, President of the United States 1909-1913, along with serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1921-1930, appointed by Warren G. Harding.

George Sutherland—Utah Congressman 1901-1903, Senator from Utah 1905-1917, along with serving as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1922-1938, appointed by Warren G. Harding.

Hugo Black–Senator from Alabama 1927-1937, along with serving as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1937-1971, appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Frank Murphy–Mayor of Detroit 1930-1933, Governor of Michigan 1937-1939, Attorney General of the United States, 1939-1940, along with serving as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1940-1949, appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Harold Burton— Mayor of Cleveland Ohio 1936-1940, Governor Of Ohio 1941-1945, along with serving as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1945-1958, appointed by Harry Truman.

Sherman Minton—Senator from Indiana 1935-1941, along with serving as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1949-1956, appointed by Harry Truman.

Earl Warren—Attorney General of California, 1939-1943, Governor of California 1943-1953, along with serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1953-1969, appointed by Dwight D. Eisenhower.

These eight Supreme Court Justices include four Governors, three US Senators, three Cabinet members, two Presidential candidates, one Congressman, two Mayors, and one State Attorney General.

Two prominent politicians came under consideration for the Supreme Court under President Bill Clinton, but both turned down an appointment—New York Governor Mario Cuomo and Maine Senator and Majority Leader George Mitchell.  Both would have been valuable additions to the Court, but instead two people with judicial experience—Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer—were chosen, although they have worked out very well in their time on the Court.



Political Correctness Gone Mad: The Attack On Historical Figures’ Monuments And Statues Because Of Their Racism And Bigotry!

Face the facts, racism and bigotry is part of human history, whether we like it or not!

Many great leaders in government were racists, bigots, and should be denounced for that part of their historical record!

But to say that Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, and innumerable others who have been important figures in American history should, therefore, be wiped out of history–have all statues removed, all monuments destroyed, all buildings renamed, all streets and schools no longer reflect their historical significance, much of it good,— is CRAZY and distorting history!

We can condemn the fact that many Presidents were slave owners; that Lincoln had a mixed record on racial matters; that Confederate leaders were out to defend slavery; that many 20th century Presidents had a prejudice toward various religious, racial and ethnic groups in American society; and recognize there is much to do to overcome racism and bigotry.

But all of the people mentioned are an important part of history in ways and on issues other than negative ones!  They had positive contributions that affected the long run of history!

So should the effect of Woodrow Wilson on Princeton University be wiped out; and should the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and Washington Monument; and should Stone Mountain in Georgia and Mount Rushmore in South Dakota; and endless other monuments and sites named after imperfect people— be destroyed because some people are affronted about our past?

The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT, and instead use the truth of the past as a teaching moment, and strive to make America a better place now and in the future!

November 22–52 Years And Still In Recovery From JFK Assassination

For anyone who was at least eight years old in 1963, they will never forget the shock of the John F. Kennedy Assassination on this day 52 years ago!

We will never forget where we were when the shocking news was revealed, and we are still reverberating from the effects of that tragic event.

We have had no Presidential death in office since, and the odds are catching up, with a world burdened by “lone wolves” domestically, and international terrorism!

The death threats against President Barack Obama have been, as I reveal in my recent book, the greatest in number of any President since Abraham Lincoln.

Just this past week, it was revealed that a person was arrested who had made dangerous threats against President Obama on Facebook, including wanting to feed Obama to a wood chipper!

What kind of crazy mind would think up something like this, and also, thankfully, write about it, so that he could be apprehended?

Mental illness, along with religious fanaticism, are the main causes of the threats faced today by our President, but one can wonder, as many has, how Obama has survived nearly seven years without being directly harmed.

Not only Obama, but all Presidential candidates and the next President and Vice President, whoever they are,  have been and will be under constant threat in a overly dangerous world!

It makes one wonder why any sane person would want to seek the Presidency or serve in that office!