Sad Independence Day: Reality Of Assault On Rights Of Women, Gays, Immigrants, African Americans, And Those Less Fortunate

As we celebrate the 237th Independence Day, and appreciate what ir represents, there is an unprecedented attack going on in many states and among Republican members of Congress to take away the hard earned rights of various groups of vulnerable Americans, and to deny the freedom and liberty that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights represents!

Women’s right to their reproductive lives and their fundamental health are being assaulted by Republican state legislatures and Governors in a rapid, non transparent way, and shutting off opposition in states including Texas, Ohio, North Carolina at present, and in other states in the recent past, including Virginia, North Dakota, Arkansas and Kansas!

The attempt to deny equality of rights and privileges to gay Americans is in full swing in many of the “Red” or Republican states, and the level of hate against these groups by political and religious spokesmen is unprecedented!

The fight against dealing with the presence of immigrants who would have to meet strict standards to move toward citizenship, and with increased border security and building of a wall between Mexico and the United States, is in full swing, including assault on the courageous Republicans trying to resolve this issue in a fair and just manner, including Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who has been subjected to extremist Tea Party types who have declared war on him.

The move of many Southern states toward creating new barriers for people to vote, with the aim to cut the vote of minorities, the elderly, the disabled and college students, is in full swing forward since the Supreme Court ruled that there was no more racism or discrimination in voting in those states, when it is clear what the motivation of those states really is! The states of Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Texas are already, rapidly, working toward new restrictions, free to do so, in their minds, because of what the Republican Supreme Court majority did last week!

And, of course, 23 states, at least, are refusing to expand Medicaid for those less fortunate, who have no health care coverage as things stand, except in emergency situations in emergency rooms, at a much more costly fee, and not necessarily available to all!

So the battle for freedom, human and civil rights, justice, and equality continues, even as we can celebrate the great experiment of the United States, seen as a paragon around the world, but still needing a lot of work to bring about the “more perfect Union”!

5 comments on “Sad Independence Day: Reality Of Assault On Rights Of Women, Gays, Immigrants, African Americans, And Those Less Fortunate

  1. Juan Domingo Peron July 4, 2013 2:20 pm

    “The fight against dealing with the presence of immigrants” – The intellectual incapacity reached by the cult of indiscriminatness that results in being unable to say two factual words, “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS” is astonishing!

  2. Juan Domingo Peron July 4, 2013 7:00 pm

    “For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1960 Inaugural Address

  3. Dave Martin July 6, 2013 10:17 am

    Lets not forget we have a president that refuses to abide by his oath of office. Just in the past week he again demonstrated with his own healthcare law what law he will ignore and which he will follow. We also have a congress and news media that are complicit and refuse to do their duty as a check to TYRANNY of this Banana Republic like president. This is a sad reminder during the anniversary of our once proud nation that we are witnessing it’s rapid decline. Our once grand ship of state is sinking into the waves of history only a memory left to ponder. Happy forth of July to progressives everywhere, rejoice in your achievement.

  4. Juan Domingo Peron July 8, 2013 11:16 am

    Obama is OK with voter ID in Kenya, but not in U.S. What hypocrisy!
    Inconsistency: Obama OK with voter ID in Kenya, but not in U.S.
    During his recent African tour, President Barack Obama announced support for a citizen ID program in Kenya – yet considers a similar effort in the United States to be racially motivated.
    While President Obama and his family toured the African continent earlier in the week, the White House released a Fact Sheet that promotes a $53 million U.S. taxpayer-funded program in Kenya that assists young people to “obtain National identification cards, a prerequisite to voter registration.”
    Robert Knight, senior fellow of the American Civil Rights Union, says many who seek to defend against voter fraud in the U.S. are perplexed with Obama’s inconsistencies in regards to the voter ID issue.
    Knight, Robert (ACRU)”The irony is that the president is using taxpayer dollars to promote something in Africa that he is actively suppressing in the United States, and calling people names who are promoting that very thing,” – See more at:
    See White House Fact Sheet:

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