President Obama has selected UN Ambassador Susan Rice to be his National Security Adviser, a great move for our foreign policy team!
Rice was shabbily treated in the aftermath of the Benghazi, Libya tragedy, and lost the opportunity to be considered for the position of Secretary of State, due to Republican attacks, denigrating her qualifications which are exceptional.
But now, the position of National Security Adviser is her new position, one which does not require Senate confirmation, and it is not only a good move, but also an appropriate smack in the face of the Republican critics, who cannot stop Rice’s elevation.
Obama’s foreign policy and national security team is now complete, with Rice and Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and American foreign policy is in good hands for the next four years!
Seriously Ron, “Rice was shabbily treated in the aftermath of the Benghazi,” you got to be kidding. The same woman that Hillary and Obama had parade around on National television last fall, lying, I REPEAT LYING, about the causes of the Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead will now be the President’s chief advisor on National Security? And that somehow does not bother you because it’s “an appropriate smack in the face of the Republican critics”? That’s all you care about? Never mind the lies, correct? So now the spokesperson for the lies that the White House charged forward with will be the nations top National Security Advisor? Is there no shame? I know I know, you are going to go back to Bush, Powell and WMD’s, right? For arguments sake, let’s say the Bush administration, and the British all purposely lied. Does that give the Obama administration the right to lie after for Americans have been killed , just for electoral purposes?
You continue, Juan, to make much more out of Benghazi, than it is worth, part of the GOP attempt to draw attention away from their disgraceful Congressional performance, and their right wing agenda!
What happened is tragic, and Rice is the victim of not having enough information, and being asked to appear on television without adequate knowledge. She is no more a liar than Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice is, and actually far less, as the tragic loss of four lives was not ordained, but going into Iraq while fighting in Afghanistan, condemned four thousand deaths and over 30,000 wounded, many seriously. That is the REAL CRIME, Juan, and you fail to bring out the multiple attacks under Bush II!
You and your despicable right wing partners have nothing to contribute, except constant attack, no sense of bipartisanship, as occurred in the Cold War years, and that is because YOUR SIDE wishes the failure of American foreign, as well as, domestic policy!
Definitely agree Professor! It’s a great move!
They lied Ron, they new it wasn’t about the video and they lied. I grant you that Rice may have been in all probability used and this is her payback. She is not the problem, the problem is that in the face of 4 deaths, the Obama administration lied and all for electoral reasons. They knew from the beginning it was an attack from AL-Qaeda affiliates and that the video had nothing to do with it. There is no doubt about that. Yet they purposely lied about it. Also, I may add to for your satisfaction, that undoubtedly a great portion of Americans either don’t know or frankly don’t give a damn. But, nevertheless the Obama administration lied in the most despicable manner and for the most selfish reasons. There was also an order to stand down given to forces in Tripoli that were ready to go an help their fellow countryman who were still fighting for their lives. Who gave that order to stand down and why? We still don’t know. Do you? But I do know that you as well as many Americans don’t give a damn. They fought for 8 hours Ron, and the Obama Administration didn’t even try to lift a finger. They said help would never arrive on time, well how the hell did they know before hand how long the battle was going to last? Obama slept, woke up and went to fundraiser the next day. That is despicable Ron, no matter how you try to spin it.
This is an example of how completely stupid some liberals in the media can be. They cling to something idiotic Atwater said over 20yrs ago, Atwater who was wearing diapers during the 68 Nixon campaign and had no clue, and run with that from here to eternity. And of course the Obama-drones follow. Now as part of the GOP’s supposed racist war against President Obama, Republicans are using the word “IRS†as they would the “n-word.†This is insane!!
I’m just waiting for Leia to repeat this…
They lied?!?…I guess that, “innocent UB.until proven guilty” just went out the window… 🙂
Totally agree! This is the political version of the one fingered salute to the Teapublicans! About durn time he did so! 🙂
Engineer, this is a factual political judgment, we are not in criminal court here.
obama gave rice the appointment to keep her quiet and as a reward for his electioneering lying scheme about the Benghazi cover up.
Once again proving obama is not concerned what he can do FOR his country, but what he can do FOR obama.
Welcome to the obama banana republic.
I know that, when I need a good laugh, I can come here and read Guano’s and Davy No Nothing’s “evil Obama’s black helicopters are after me” ridiculous conspiracy posts! 🙂
Totally agree with this:
Juan and Dave, I love your “holier than thou’ attitude, as if the Republicans and conservatives are truth tellers, which they are not! Look at the demagoguery that comes out of the mouths of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa, and other right wing whackos who have no desire, except to downgrade ANYTHING that the Obama Administration does! They are negativism personified, and look for any issue to try to turn the American people against Obama, but it has failed, as it did for Bill Clinton, and it will continue to fail.
Meanwhile, the real war criminals, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are held in high regard by the neocons who want another war in the Middle East, so the oil wealth can spread further among the elite two percent! And you guys see no issue with that! Amazing!
Ron: Spoken like a true extreme radical wacko leftist demagogue. If you talk like an extreme radical wacko leftist, write like an extreme radical wacko leftist, think like an extreme radical wacko leftist and walk like an extreme radical wacko leftist. Then you are an extreme radical wacko leftist. When did you Democrats become all of a sudden such extreme radical wacko leftist? I mean with all this 1% crap thing, excuse me now it’s the 2 percenters, class warfare idiocy, and War Criminal accusation nonsense, the Democrats have become the headquarters for all those Occupy mindless drones, all the resentful malcontents of not only America, but of the world. You guys repeat the same incoherent statements as any run of the mill radical nutcase Chavez-like international left wing radical wacko nut-job demagogue. And then if we call you out on it and say, “Hey , you sound just like this nut-job Dear Leader over there in where-ever radical wacko leftist land”, you guys get offended and state, “We are progressives”. As if that changes anything when the damn message is exactly the same! LOL
So I guess Rice will continue spying on all of us! WOW look at all those millions of phone records our government has from Verizon. (And yes, exclusives regarding our US government are now found in UK papers)
“The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America’s largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April.
The order, a copy of which has been obtained by the Guardian, requires Verizon on an “ongoing, daily basis” to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the US and between the US and other countries.
The document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.
The secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (Fisa) granted the order to the FBI on April 25, giving the government unlimited authority to obtain the data for a specified three-month period ending on July 19.”
Concerning the Verizon news: two words – Patriot Act (which was started by Bush in 2001).
The Professor has told you Guano over and over again that he’s moderate, NOT, far left. Guess you must be sooooo far off to the right that anything in the middle looks extreme to you. Lulz! 🙂
As always it’s Bush’s fault! LOL There is something called reasonable interpretation, and under no circumstances does the Patriot Act allows for the collection of millions of US communication records indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.
So blaming Bush for this abuse is ridiculous. It’s like saying, Well Bush started the drones program so he is responsible for Obama using drones to execute American citizen abroad while they are in their homes sleeping, not in combat, and with their families! By the way, do you know what we have when someone in the Executive Branch says he has the Right to Kill You Without Due Process? Tyranny!
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your so far left that my moderate views, as well as that of millions of Americans, seem extreme for you? I mean what’s really extremist, promoting class warfare and punishing those that have certain success so as to have equality of outcomes, or promoting freedom, equality before the law and rewarding hard work?What’s really extremist ,a state run economy or a free market economy? A highly government regulated society or a free civil society? Since when was believing in a government of limited powers become such an extreme view in America? An idea that had to be targeted by the IRS, because in these bureaucrats statist mind promoting freedom, limited government and the Constitution is not good for the social welfare of the Nation! I know all this idea of freedom and government of limited powers was an extreme view for the British Crown and the Royalist back in 1776, but today in America? Only the left believes it is an extreme view.
Ignoring Guano’s ridiculous replies, true info about the Verizon news:
Excellent article:
As the various writers at Winning Progressive point out in this article ( they aren’t always favorable of President Obama. They have certain issues that they have been disappointed in – civil liberties, education reform, a bigger stimulus package, no public option in Obamacare, a much more aggressive approach to stemming the foreclosure crisis. I also have been disappointed with those issues and I very highly agree with their blog that criticism should be done constructively.
What is the narrative of the main stream media regarding the Verizon wiretapping of millions by the Obama administration?
“BUSH MADE OBAMA DO IT!!” (Because you see, Obama couldn’t possibly do this on his own, he had to be forced to do it by Bush!) Amazing, truly amazing.
Juan, you are at it again! You label me something I am not, and in so doing, label yourself as a right wing whacko extremist yourself, and the American people, if given push to shove, would side with me, not that I care either way, but principle matters more to me than rhetoric! Bush is indeed responsible for the loss of civil liberties, as he brought in the national security state, and it is impossible to reverse it now, regrettably, no matter who is President.
In a sense, therefore, I can agree with you about the growth of bureaucracy being a danger, but I only fear it regarding national security, which has gone amuck in the past decade. I do not fear domestic government agencies, including the IRS, as there are many violations of tax laws and that makes taking care of the needs of the nation all that much harder, and hurts the middle class and the poor much more, so there should NOT be tax advantages given to any political or religious organizations engaging in politics, and therefore cheating the government of needed revenues, and we know they are, indeed breaking the laws on taxes openly!
The purpose of the right wing is to deny tax collection, and therefore starve the nation of needed tax sources, which benefits the top two percent yet again, so while there should not be abuses at the IRS on spending on conferences, etc, we cannot afford to weaken the enforcement powers of the agency,
This “statist” term Guano has been using for anyone who disagrees with him is a term libertarians use:
I would love to know how they purpose to pay for education, infrastructure, etc. without taxes.
Ron: Using the tax code is not cheating the system. How could it be when the tax code was created precisely by the system?!! If you have any issue with the way the code is written, get a hold of your congressman, but don’t accuse law abiding citizens of cheating. What I don’t understand is how the poor, or even “middle class” are hurt by the current tax system when large percent of the disposable income of the bottom 20% income bracket are government benefits, be they SNAPs, housing, rent assistance, and other welfare transfers. If all those benefits were included as income those in the bottom 20% income bracket would instantly go into a higher bracket. You seem to have a sort of distorted view of reality my friend.
As for starving the nation of tax resources that is simply not true. Tax receipts have remained stable in every Republican administration , even with tax cuts, around 18-20% of GDP,with the added incentives that people got to keep more of their money. Tax receipts only declined in the last year of the Bush administration due to the recession, not because of the tax cuts. So you see, that Nation was not starved of tax resources.
We conservative happen to agree believe it or not with Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings said today. Here’s Elijah Cummings this morning, upset over the report the IRS spent $50 million holding 220 employee conferences over three years.
( )
” I live on a block where most people don’t even make $50,000 a year, but yet still we can produce a video that has no redeeming value — none! — and spend taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars for that. Then there was that line dance. Couldn’t see any there, either. And so I say we can do better. But guess what? Mr. Fink, the money that was spent on that, that’s my money. That’s the lady who got the early bus this morning, that’s her money, the one who makes $35,000. Her, the gentleman up the street from me that makes 45 hauling trash, that’s their money.”
You can’t say it much better than he said it there and I will even ignore the fact that the $45,000 trash hauler and the $35,000 maid or whatever in his district , that people in those income brackets do not pay any Federal Income Tax. Nevertheless he is correctly outraged about this waste in the IRS. Now that said, how about all of the other trillions of dollars that this government wastes? Where is the same attitude about all of those wasted dollars? Why now is this attitude only about the IRS excess when it happens to be at the top of the news? How about all the other millions and trillions of dollars wasted that are also taxpayer dollars, that, in Rep. Cummings mind, are also the dollars of the guy hauling trash for 45 grand a year up the street from you at your neighborhood? The real question is: Well, where’s that attitude about all the government? Where’s that attitude about every dime of government waste, not just to the IRS? The real IRS scandal is that this goes on every damn day in this government. The EPA hounds and harasses people. The agriculture department harasses people. Fish and game, you name it.The people of this country are harassed by government every day. People of this country are increasingly fearful of their government each and every day. This government wastes money each and every to the tune now that we’re $16 trillion in debt and counting. This is what big government does. This is who liberals are. This is what they do.
Leia : I am not a libertarian. I consider my self a classic liberal, a freedom liberal as opposed to an egalitarian modern liberal aka progressive. Classic liberals today are called conservatives in the US only. We use the term statist for those who consider that big government (the state) is more important for a society than the civil society and the individuals themselves. It is just a matter of priorities. Are the people/individuals subject to government or is government subject to the people/individuals. Is this a government of the people by the people and for the people, or are we a people of the government, by the government and for the government. Now, this doesn’t mean we are anti-government anarchist, with no taxation whatsoever. It’s not that hard to understand, is it?
According to that site I posted, you are classified under libertarianism.
From that site I posted:
It’s hard to clearly define libertarianism. “It’s a dessert topping!” “No, it’s a floor wax!” “Wait– it’s both!” It’s a mixture of social philosophy, economic philosophy, a political party, and more. It would be unjust for me to try to characterize libertarianism too exactly: libertarians should be allowed to represent their own positions. At least two FAQs have been created by libertarians to introduce their positions. But the two major flavors are anarcho-capitalists (who want to eliminate political governments) and minarchists (who want to minimize government.) There are many more subtle flavorings, such as Austrian and Chicago economic schools, gold-bug, space cadets, Old-Right, paleo-libertarians, classical liberals, hard money, the Libertarian Party, influences from Ayn Rand, and others. An interesting survey is in chapter 36 of Marshall’s “Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism”, “The New Right and Anarcho-capitalism.”
This diversity of libertarian viewpoints can make it quite difficult to have a coherent discussion with them, because an argument that is valid for or against one type of libertarianism may not apply to other types. This is a cause of much argument in alt.politics.libertarian: non-libertarians may feel that they have rebutted some libertarian point, but some other flavor libertarian may feel that his “one true libertarianism” doesn’t have that flaw. These sorts of arguments can go on forever because both sides think they are winning. Thus, if you want to try to reduce the crosstalk, you’re going to have to specify what flavor of libertarianism or which particular point of libertarianism you are arguing against.
Libertarians are a small group whose beliefs are unknown to and not accepted by the vast majority. They are utopian because there has never yet been a libertarian society (though one or two have come close to some libertarian ideas.) These two facts should not keep us from considering libertarian ideas seriously, however they do caution us about accepting them for practical purposes.
Here’s the part from that you are constantly doing here to anyone not agreeing with you:
#33 You’re a Statist!
Don’t be surprised if you receive some ad-hominem abuse from libertarian evangelists when you don’t accept their arguments. It’s no different than if a communist called you bourgeois or a Bircher called you a commie lover. Sometimes they’ll go overboard and even accuse you of mental disease, at which time you can point out to them the fine company they keep: Stalin, Hitler, etc.
Notice everyone that the Verizon story did not come from our media, how could it? for the most part they are all so far up bamas butt they have no idea what the light of truth looks like.
Furthermore so far it appears to be only Verizon, the largest carrier. So don’t be like that baby on TV who shows his surprised look for the dummy who did not win the lottery when we find bamas corruption is more widespread. bamas chickens are coming home to roost and the followers are continuing to enjoy his flavor of Kool Aid.
Dave: It was not only Verizon, it is everything, from emails to calls. Code name “PRISM”. The National Security Agency and FBI are interested in more than just your phone records — they are also interested in your audio, video, photographs, emails, documents, and connection logs, according to a bombshell report from The Washington Post.
Although the massive Internet surveillance program,code-named “PRISM,†reportedly began in 2007, we are only now learning about it because an anonymous intelligence officer apparently leaked the information to the press. ‘THEY QUITE LITERALLY CAN WATCH YOUR IDEAS AS YOU TYPE’
NSA taps in to internet giants’ systems to mine user data, secret files reveal.
Ironically George Orwell’s “1984†was published 64 years ago today.
Lulz @ Davy No Nothing’s and Guano’s idiotic conspiracy theories! Good night and enjoy your tin foil hats guys!
The reason why the Regressive Teapublicans are obsessed with scandal is because they don’t have any solutions to more important matters – climate change, gun safety, helping the poor, etc. We the sane people in the US will vote them out in 2014 for not doing their jobs! 🙂