Day: March 5, 2013

“Socialist” Barack Obama And The Doubling Of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

It is amazing how the right wing continues to call Barack Obama a “Socialist” and worse, and yet the Dow Jones Industrial Average has doubled from its low point in March 2009, due to the Bush Great Recession, and is now at its all time high!

Wall Street is doing fantastically, while Main Street is not, due to the refusal of the GOP and the corporations to cooperate, since their goal is to make Barack Obama a failed Presidency, but even with that, five million jobs have been created in the past four years, recovering the losses under Bush and in the early months of Obama, and beginning to gain beyond the massive losses, the greatest since the Great Depression.

But of course, Obama is made out to be the “devil”, and no matter what occurs, it is always rejected, with the goal being to propagandize so that Obama will be perceived as a total failure in all areas.

But the American people know differently, and a majority twice have chosen him because he is not a captive of the corporations, and is out to regulate Wall Street through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the strong advocacy of holding Wall Street to account of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts!

Jeb Bush’s Changed Immigration Plans: Undermining Potential Presidential Candidacy In 2016!

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, thought to be a likely Presidential contender for 2016, just published a book in which he declared his opposition to promotion of a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants, the vast majority being Mexican, as his wife is.

But now, 24 hours later, on MSNBC’s MORNING JOE, he backed off on this, taking a stand similar to Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Senator John McCain of Arizona, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. In do doing, he has totally confused people, flip flopping more often than even Mitt Romney!

It comes down to this—the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are Mexican heritage, as are the numbers of legal Mexican Americans in the nation. Nothing that Bush, Rubio, McCain or Graham say or do is going to convince the legal citizens to vote Republican in 2016. With 71 percent support among all Hispanics and Latinos, as well as 73 percent support among Asian Americans, the Democratic Party is insured of defeating any Republican nominee for President in 2016, even if Bush or Rubio is the nominee.

And if the GOP continues to follow the Tea Party and oppose any reform on immigration, the defeat for any candidate will be a landslide of majestic proportions!