Mitt Romney May Have Lost The Election Because Of One Comment Added To Others

Mitt Romney may very well have lost the Presidential Election of 2012 in one fell swoop, by his stupid, uncaring, but revealing statement that he is not concerned about the “very poor” as they have a “safety net”! However, he has also made a slew of statements similar to this one, which demonstrate that he is outside the loop in the sense of understanding “average” people.

This has led to attacks by conservatives, upset that their true feelings are being expressed about poor people, and by the mainstream media nationally. It is hard to imagine that ANYONE close to Mitt Romney is not rolling his or her eyes over his failure to connect, and understand that not everyone has the fortune he has, or has children who together have a $100 million trust fund and NEVER have to work a day in their lives, as they know what complete security is. It is these five sons and Mitt and his wife Ann who have a true “safety net” not available to 99 percent of us.

Do we need a filthy rich person to care about the middle class and the poor? Yes, if his name is Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ted Kennedy or the numerous other rich people who never looked at the poor or the middle class with the disdain that Mitt Romney and Rush Limbaugh and all of the myriad RICH conservatives and Republicans have toward us, the 99 percent!

This is not an issue of the “very poor”, as it would not take much for any of us in the so called “middle class” to have a streak of bad luck and end up in that group. It is ALL OF US, the middle class and the poor, who have to unite together and defeat the unconcerned, selfish, greedy one percent who have much too much as it is, and could not care for a minute what happens to the 99 percent as long as they keep on acquiring wealth and power!

It is time to recognize that Barack Obama offers the kind of record and sympathies that make him the right person to be elected, and to be able, hopefully, to bring REAL extensive reform against the aristocracy in a second term of office!

One comment on “Mitt Romney May Have Lost The Election Because Of One Comment Added To Others

  1. Bella February 2, 2012 1:01 pm

    “I’m in this race because I care about Americans. I’m not concerned about the very poor.”

    Because, you know, you’re not a REAL American if you’re poor!

    You’re absolutely right, Romney wouldn’t be able to relate to the middle class, much less the poor, and so I hope this comment of his, as well as his “WAAAH! You’re taking the insensitive things I said out of context!” defense kills his campaign for good.

    In other news, it seems Donald Trump just endorsed Romney, no surprise there.

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