Donald Trump: The Phony Presidential Candidate Opens Up On The Republican Party!

Donald Trump was a phony presidential possibility for the Republican Party, someone that anyone who was really paying attention well realized.

But now that Trump has bowed out, he has come clean on his views on the GOP!

Now he criticizes the Paul Ryan budget plan, including Medicare privatization, something that caused grief for Newt Gingrich!

He also attacked House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for putting conditions on aid to tornado and flood victims in the South and Midwest, requiring spending cuts to offer such aid.

As horrible and outrageous as Trump is, he at least is ringing some basic truth about the GOP: It is a heartless, anti government party which wishes to govern only for the elite and the powerful, and does not give a damn about ordinary citizens, whether seniors, the young, the poor, single mothers, the disabled, or minorities!

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