Day: November 30, 2011

Should John Hinckley Be Rewarded With More Freedom And Eventual Parole? NO! Should Sirhan Sirhan Be Allowed Parole? NO!

Two infamous assassination efforts against a President and a Presidential candidate, with one person being in a mental hospital and the other in a prison for a long time, has led to these individuals applying for more freedom and less control, and for parole, respectively. Neither should be allowed to win his case!

John Hinckley, who shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981, has already been allowed the right to visit his family and stay away from the mental hospital under family supervision for periods of time, but now wants no supervision and less monitoring, and as much as 24 days away from the hospital at a time. This should NOT be allowed in any form! Nancy Reagan opposed the amount of freedom he has already been granted, and she is absolutely correct in her feelings!

Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was considered a likely winner of the Democratic nomination for President in 1968 had he lived, and thought to have been likely to have defeated Richard Nixon for the Presidency, has applied for parole. But the heinous act that he engaged in on June 5. 1968, should NOT be excused to allow him freedom at any time!

When an assassin tries to kill, or succeeds in murdering a President, or a Presidential candidate, he or she should lose his or her right to freedom at any point, because this is not just a murder, but affects the history of the country! One does the crime, one pays the time in loss of freedom forever!

The Unbelievable Narcissism And Egotism Of Four Republican Presidential Candidates!

For anyone to decide to run for President of the United States, it requires a high level of narcissism and egotism! There is no debate about that at all!

But when you have four Presidential candidates out of eight on the GOP side having obsessively high levels of narcissism and egotism despite good reasons to consider the effect of what they are doing, it makes one want to puke!

Rick Santorum has a critically ill daughter, dying from a genetic disease. His wife desperately needs him to help her, and he should be spending his time, since he does not need to work, tending to his daughter, showing his love for her, and do whatever he can to alleviate the stress on his wife and other children, some of whom wish he was not running. His narcissism and egotism allow him to ignore or excuse his reprehensible behavior!

Rick Perry has demonstrated that he has no knowledge, no understanding of what the Presidency involves, but because he has money, and a tremendous level of narcissism and egotism, he is willing to make a fool of himself and make us all “shake our heads” in disgust!

Herman Cain also lacks knowledge and understanding of really ANY issue, is totally unqualified to be President, and has the gall, due to his high level of narcissism and egotism, to run a campaign on a lie, that he is loyal to his wife, who has, apparently, no clue to the fact of his adultery and infidelity! One would think that he would realize that he would be found out, and then he has the nerve to lie through his teeth and deny it all! Absolutely amazing!

And then, there is Newt Gingrich, the most qualified on paper of the four supreme narcissistic and egotistical candidates in this group, but has no shame about his past adultery and infidelity; has had ethicai violations when Speaker of the House; loves himself to the extreme and cannot stop bragging about his abilities, talents, knowledge, and connections; and does not work well with others, and has a divisive, confrontational, aggressive personality that bodes ill for working with Congress, being willing to deal with the news media, and is a terrifying thought in foreign policy! But Newt has no shame and makes a total fool of himself by his vanity and lack of modesty!

Why is it that we cannot have the Republican Party come up with quality candidates–as only Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are–and get rid of the others who are wasting their and our time, and putting their obnoxious egos on display, and showing a level of selfishness and greed that is an embarrassment to our electoral system?

What we need is a serious debate between the only truly qualified candidates in the GOP field, Romney and Huntsman, but we cannot do that as long these four characters, along with Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul, who because of their own weaknesses, have a ZERO chance of being nominated, finally get out of the race, which, sadly, is not going to happen anytime soon!

Here We Go Again: Republicans Want Tax Increase For Middle Class And Don’t Care About Unemployed Millions!

The Republican Party, which wants constant tax cuts for the top two percent and for corporations, is making clear its unwillingness to support a continuation of the payroll tax cut of 2 percent on Social Security to help middle class families, by continuing an average $1000 tax cut over the payroll year, which will expire at the end of the year.

At the same time, the fact that we have more long term unemployed than we have ever had since the 1930s does not phase the party, which is against an extension of unemployment compensation for those who have been out of work for more than 99 weeks, feeling that the lack of jobs is not the issue, but the “lazy” attitude of workers who would rather collect a check than go to work!

What an outrage to call for tax increases at a difficult time, and to have no concern if the unemployed are homeless, starving, and have no medical care!

We are seeing the Republican Party going back to the concept of the 19th century Social Darwinists–basically having no concern for the unfortunate, including millions of children, about 25 percent of all children, taking the view that poverty and deprivation is a character flaw in those people, and basically, let them starve, as that would help, somehow, to produce a better society!

Shame on the GOP, and the voters in 2012 will richly reward them for such hardhearted attitudes by throwing them out of office!

Rick Perry And Newt Gingrich: More “Shaking Of Heads” In Wonderment!

Texas Governor Rick Perry and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich continue to amaze, and in the process promote the “shaking of heads” in wonderment!

Fast fading Perry made a speech to a group of young people, and told them that if they were 21 by Election Day 2012, they should be sure to vote, apparently not aware of the 26th Amendment in 1971, which allows those citizens 18-21 to vote!

He also said that Election Day was November 12, 2012, which if people listen to him means they would be failing to participate in the election, as it is six days earlier, on November 6, 2012! He attributed his errors to his “age”, which means he is not fit to be President, and by the way, he is only in his early 60s, not an “old man” by definition!

At the same time, Newt Gingrich claims he was not acting as a lobbyist for various corporations, including in the health care industry, but instead was being paid for his expertise as former Speaker of the House, by earning $65,000 for half hour speeches, and made too much money as a lecturer, so did not need to be a lobbyist. What can one say to that, except that the author of this blog earns at the most a fee of $250 per hour speech as compared to Newt making $130,000 per hour, if he is able to have the energy to go beyond a half hour speech!

While Newt could say he has a Ph. D. in History and has been a professor and author, that kind of fee is really unbelievable, and makes this author, with the same credentials except being Speaker of the House, realize that IF with his expertise and knowledge, he could have ONE speech for an hour at Newt’s rate, he could relax for the rest of the year, without the materialistic need to make money of obscene amounts, and then claim to understand the average American!

So the “shaking of heads” about both Perry and Gingrich continues to “shake”!