Day: June 15, 2011

Barack Obama, Libya, And The War Powers Act

A bitter debate has developed over President Obama’s decision to intervene in Libya, in unison with NATO, to protect the lives of Libyan citizens and remove Moammar Gaddafi from power.

Unfortunately, it is now three months since that intervention, and Gaddafi is still in power.

But no Americans are on the ground in Libya, and to call what we are doing a real military intervention, is false!

The reality is that Libya will soon be liberated, and the War Powers Act, which is basically a “paper tiger” anyway, does not come into play, since there are no combat troops in Libya.

Ironic that the Republican opposition is making such a stink about Libya, and yet most want us to stay in Afghanistan, and some want us bombing and intervening in many other Muslim lands!

In the long run, intervention in Libya will be seen as a good move, even though right now, there is great impatience that the overthrow of Gaddafi is taking longer than expected.

Obama is correct that the War Powers Act does not apply in this intervention, since it is NOT a war engagement in the pure sense! It is more like the intervention in Kosovo against the Serbians in 1999 by President Bill Clinton!

The Medicaid Cuts Affecting Children And Adults With Disabilities: The Safety Net Full Of Holes!

It has been shown that children and adults with disabilities often cannot find medical doctors who will see them, and that seeing a specialist who is willing to accept Medicaid is a long drawn out process, even for those with severe health issues.

And state after state is cutting Medicaid access to more disabled people in the name of cost controls, and therefore sending a message that disabled people, supposedly covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, a proud moment in the administration of President George H. W. Bush, no longer matter in the name of tax cuts for the rich and the corporations!

What could be more obscene and disgraceful than to show lack of concern for the health of those among us who are basically being blamed for their disabilities!

What could be worse than to say that their lives do not matter, as long as the almighty dollar stands in the way!

The quality of life of disabled people is something those of us fortunate to have no such disabilities do not experience.

But there is a high level of immorality and indecency in allowing the abuse of those who wish they had no disabilities, and are being told they do not matter, and turning our eyes away!

Two decades after the ADA, we are seeing a major deterioration, with little conscience displayed by America’s governors and state legislatures. This says a lot about the concept of America as a special land better than anywhere else, a total lie if we can choose to victimize the helpless and justify it!

Split In The Republican Party On Foreign Interventions! Mitt Romney And Jon Huntsman Open A Debate!

The Republican Party has been a warlike, hawkish party for the past two decades since the Gulf War, with Congressman Ron Paul of Texas being a rare critic.

When Paul was competing for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2008, he was ridiculed in debates by Rudy Guiliani and other GOP candidates as loony and unrealistic about America’s role in the world.

But as we near ten years in Afghanistan and soon withdraw our forces from Iraq and wonder about the Libyan intervention, nearing three months with no resolution, we are starting to see chinks in the armor of the war wing of the Republican Party.

Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are always looking to bomb and intervene in another Muslim country, and most Republicans in Congress have refused up to now to realize the heavy financial cost of constant military intervention, particularly at a time of record deficits and the growing dispute over raising the debt limit.

But now, at least two Presidential candidates, the two most likely to go all the way to the nomination, are expressing doubts about continuation of the war in Afghanistan, and the need to reconsider military spending in some form. Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman have taken a courageous stand in this regard, but this has led at least Lindsey Graham to call Mitt Romney another Jimmy Carter, of all things!

IF either Romney or Huntsman become the GOP nominee against Barack Obama next year, there could be an opening for Obama to start moving to end the involvement in Afghanistan.

And if real discussion of defense and military cuts could move forward, it would change the economic outlook dramatically, and allow some relief on such issues as education, health care, and the environment taking all the hits in spending cuts!

The Growing Movement Against School Homework: A Major Mistake!

At a time when school achievement is declining rapidly, and America’s schoolchildren are demonstrating less and less general knowledge of all areas of learning at all grade levels, a movement is on to cut back, and in many cases, end school homework, and that is a major mistake!

Of course, children do not like homework, anymore than most people love going to work daily. But that is not the point to be considered!

Homework assists learning, and with the school day and year as short as it is, and so much time wasted in school as it is, homework becomes even more important to teach work habits, and to promote basic skills and acquisition of general knowledge.

It is all good and fine that parents assist children in sports, music, and other social activities outside of school.

It is also good that children should have some time for themselves and to do what they want in their spare time.

But in order to promote deeper thought and analysis skills, a substantial commitment to homework, but challenging work that requires real involvement in use of computer research, is essential.

Children must learn that computers and technology are not just for social media and playing video games, but also for real acquisition of general knowledge in all areas of the curriculum to create a work ethic for adulthood!