Day: December 26, 2009

Next Big Challenge For Obama: Climate Change Legislation

Even before the Health Care Reform legislation makes it through a conference committee, President Obama already has a major challenge for early 2010: to obtain legislation to back up the pledges he made at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit with the major developing nations: China, India, Brazil and South Africa.

Legislation is being promoted by John Kerry of Massachusetts, Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Most Democrats will support the legislation, but Obama needs to obtain GOP support other than Graham, with the best likelihood being Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, and Richard Lugar of Indiana at this point.

On the opposite side will be John McCain, who has switched sides on this issue. Of course, James Inhofe of Oklahoma will lead the charge, along with Roger Wicker of Mississippi, and John Barrasso of Wyoming, who went with him to the Copenhagen summit, where they were all totally ignored. Most of the Republican Senators will join them, with the exception of those mentioned above, hopefully, and maybe a few others. Sarah Palin, with her best selling book and loyalists in the millions will fight on this issue, as will all of the conservative talk show hosts.

Hard to believe, but it will be another massive battle as on health care. No one can say that Barack Obama is afraid of challenge!