
Decline Of Conservative Talk Radio And What It Means For Republicans

Conservative talk radio is in rapid decline, as Rush Limbaugh has lost one third of his audience, and Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and others are discovering that their hateful rhetoric is starting to wear thin, only gaining a couple of percent of the American people to listen to their drivel!

More and more advertisers are withdrawing from these right wing talk shows, because there is a strong reaction against them, particularly from the younger generation, which is much more tolerant and open minded on many issues!

Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster, has expressed great concern that the talk radio crowd is undermining the Republican future, with their strong nativism, anti women, anti gay tirades, as if those three groups—Hispanic and Latino immigrants, women, and gays and lesbians– remain strongly Democratic, there is no hope for a GOP President ever again! And good chance the Senate will also remain Democratic with extremist Republicans having lost Senate seats they should have won in Delaware, Nevada and Colorado in 2010 and in Missouri and Indiana in 2012!

The Republicans are discovering that allowing the Limbaughs, the Levins, the Hannitys, the Becks, and others to be their lead image, is disintegrating them!

Popularity Of Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton At High, Along With Stock Market, As February Begins!

As Hillary Clinton leaves the State Department, after four successful and accomplished years as Secretary of State, her public opinion rating is at an all time high, 67 percent. She goes off to a well deserved rest, and a possible run for President in 2016, with the Republican Party hoping she will not run, as they know very well that they would have an extremely difficult time defeating her, if she was the Democratic Presidential nominee!

As Hillary leaves in triumph, our President, Barack Obama, has reached a peak of popularity, now reaching 60 percent, and his agenda, including gun regulation and immigration reform at the forefront, along with the continued creation of jobs and a hoped for budget deal in the next few months, is making him look at his strongest point since he was first elected in 2008.

The Republican Party is floundering badly, and all we see are Tea Party radicals, including Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas makes fools of themselves, and also witness Senator John McCain of Arizona and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina go on the attack against a former colleague, Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, who they once were friends with, as he seeks to bring a new direction in the Pentagon. Their vindictiveness and nastiness is appalling, and diminishes both Senators immensely!

The Republican Party is mired in 26 percent support, and while they complain about the economy, a readjusted set of results for November and December shows greater growth in jobs than expected, and housing starts are up, and the stock market just today went over 14,000 in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the highest since October 2007!

So the Democrats, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton have a lot to be proud of, while the Republicans are demonstrating they have learned nothing from their defeat.. Their future is gloomy, until and when they realize that they must repudiate the Tea Party Movement and the extreme right wing.

The country is rapidly becoming more “Blue”, and once Arizona, Texas and Georgia become so, which seems inevitable by the next decade, the Republican Party will be unable to recover and gain government control and win the White House.

This country is not what they wish it to be–Southern, rural, white, and old. Instead, the Atlantic and Pacific Coastlines and the Great Lakes Region, urban and suburban areas, diverse population of all races, and young, and also women, are the future, and they are going “Blue” by leaps and bounds!

The 113th Congress Most Diverse Congress In History

One of the greatest results of the Congressional Elections of 2012 is the tremendous diversity that will be present in the upcoming 113th Congress, which begins on January 3.

Just in the new membership, there will be:

4 African Americans
10 Latino Americans
5 Asian Americans
24 Women
2 Hindus
1 Buddhist
1 Non theist
4 openly gay
1 openly bisexual
1 gay of color
4 born in the 1980s

It will include such likely stars of the future as:

Joaquin Castro of San Antonio, whose brother, Julian Castro, is Mayor of that city
Joe Garcia, who is the first Cuban Democrat to represent Miami
Ted Cruz, second Cuban Republican Senator, from Texas
Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, first Hindu Congresswoman
Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, first Buddhist Senator
Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, Iraq War hero and diabled from her service in the war
Lois Frankel of Florida, former Mayor of West Palm Beach
Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, professor and promoter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, first openly gay Senator
Patrick Murphy of Florida, youngest member of the new House
Joseph Kennedy III, son of former Congressman Joseph Kennedy II, and grandson of Robert Kennedy

It will be a most interesting Congress coming up in 2013-2014!

The Census Bureau Projection Of Future Population Trends: Age, Race, Ethnicity

New Census Bureau projections show that very soon, a majority of children born in America will be from minority groups, particularly Hispanic, but also African American, Asian American, and Native American.

A majority of Americans under 18 will be minority heritage in about a decade, and a majority of the entire population in about 30 years.

So a majority of older, and elderly people will be white Anglos, who might be unwilling to pay more school taxes and do other things to support a youthful population that is alien to their own heritage and experience when they grew up in America.

This could lead to new conflict between young and old, and make for tensions beyond the ones already present of race, ethnicity, and economics.

This situation portends new issues and problems as America continues to age, being older on the average than at any time in American history! The future leaders of the nation will have this new challenge to face very soon!