White Christian Majority

CPAC Conference Clearly A Group Of White Supremacist And Evangelical Christian Extremists, NOT Conservatives!

The Republican Party has become a party of white supremacists, evangelical Christian extremists, conspiracy theorists, QAnon crazies, misogynists, and nativists who see immigration as a threat to the dominance of the dwindling white Christian majority, which will be a minority of Americans in the year 2045 or sooner.

The speakers at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida this weekend are a horror show of the worst of humanity, and headed by former President Donald Trump, who will spew forth more lies, conspiracy theories, hatred, and work to divide the nation ever more, rather than work to unite and advance the nation in the midst of the COVID 19 Pandemic and the economic suffering it has caused.

The Republican Party no longer represents mainstream conservative ideas and principles, and has repudiated the small band of 10 House members and 7 Senators who truly represent the values the party used to believe in and follow.