Textualism And Originalism

Supreme Court Will Take Up Colorado Ballot Access Case Of Donald Trump!

A month from now, on February 8, the Supreme Court will hear the case of Colorado barring Donald Trump from the Presidential primary ballot.

Maine has also gone in that direction, and many other states are in process of doing so.

This case will need to be decided in an expedited manner, with Super Tuesday primaries coming up in early March.

The Court would wish to stay out of the political thicket, but cannot do so, and this will be the most important such intervention since the Bush V Gore case in 2000.

Arguably, it is even more important, since Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law, a series of realities that was not the same with George W. Bush in 2000.

Many conservative scholars and jurists think the Court will bar Trump from the ballots, which would be a victory for sanity and democracy, because Trump’s own rhetoric is Fascist oriented, and he advocates retribution and revenge, and speaks in Adolf Hitler rhetoric.

Also, this Court majority has emphasized their belief in “textualism” and “originalism” interpretation of the Constitution, so if they keep to that viewpoint, they will bar Trump from running for President.

The most corrupt President in American history needs to be stopped in his quest to undermine the future of America as his personal agenda, and his 25-35 percent support makes one wonder about the mental stability of his followers, who fail to see the danger of his attempt to regain power!