Teachers And Librarians

Ron DeSantis Changes His View On The Russian Federation For Political Survival!

It is interesting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has suddenly changed his view on the Russian Federation, now calling Vladimir Putin a “war criminal”, and backing away from saying the Russia-Ukraine War is simply “a territorial dispute”.

This was clearly done due to the strong opposition expressed by many Republicans, particularly in the US Senate, but it is clear DeSantis is just trying to improve his political position, and cannot be trusted on what he says.

DeSantis is very much an egotist, who thinks he is best qualified, due to his promotion of taking away the rights of gays, lesbians, and transgenders; women; racial minorities; teachers; librarians; medical doctors; and even elected prosecutors!

His is an ugly candidacy, and lately, he has lost support in public opinion polls.

America can do better than Ron DeSantis in the White House!