First Responders

True Heroes: Supermarket, Pharmacy, And Transit Workers,First Responders, Medical Personnel, Now Many Becoming Part Of Death Toll Of CoronaVirus Pandemic

So much attention in the news is always about famous people, wealthy people, controversial people!

How about some attention to the true heroes who often work for minimum wage, and those who sacrifice at work every day without the CoronaVirus Pandemic, or with it, more noticed now!

The true heroes are unsung, including those who work in supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, and many other “essential” fields of work!

The true heroes also are the transit workers, those who deliver the mail, first responders (police, fire, emergency medical), and the nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel, who are working long hours trying to save lives, and despairing at the high death count!

This is also a time to appreciate the efforts of teachers, who suddenly parents realize what a tough and thankless job they have in educating the nation’s children, as now parents must become teachers, and not take the educators of the nation for granted!

But notice, not a real tribute to all of these workers coming from the President of the United States. while Joe Biden, his opponent, has spoken plenty about the sacrifices of these different categories of workers!

But that is because Joe Biden, whether you agree with him on all public issues, is fundamentally, a decent, compassionate, genuine, sincere person with real empathy and concern for others, the precise opposite of the cold, uncaring personality of our President!

Joe Biden’s personality traits are exactly what we need in the Presidency, to heal the nation and move forward into an uncertain future!

Joe Biden Comment On Rise Of Crime With Cuts In First Responders: Absolutely True!

Vice President Joe Biden has angered conservatives and Republicans with his assertion that cuts in spending and jobs on First Responders have led to increased crime in Flint, Michigan, and Camden, New Jersey, as examples where such budgets have been cut by half!

Using those unfortunate cities as examples, Biden said rapes, burglaries and murders have risen and will rise, with the refusal of Republicans to support spending on First Responders, with the small cost of half a penny tax on millionaires over the first million dollars.

Despite condemnations and denunciations that Biden is encouraging promotion of fear, what he has declared is absolutely true, but it puts the Republicans on the spot, preferring to have the public attention move away from their irresponsibility in voting down the Senate legislation that was rejected last night, toward criticism of the President instead for the nerve to wish to raise taxes on anyone!

Joe Biden should continue to hammer on this point, and let the Republicans and the talk show hosts complain to their heart’s content! Biden should not back off on what is the total truth!

Obscene Vote In US Senate On Jobs For Teachers And First Responders: How Can This Be Justified?

In an attempt by Senate Democrats to pass part of President Obama’s jobs plan, a proposal for $35 billion in spending on hiring or retaining 400,00 teachers and first responders was brought up in that chamber last night, resulting in a 50-50 tie, with all 47 Republicans and Democrats Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut joining them in opposition!

The jobs bill had been touted by Vice President Joe Biden as essential to help promote education and safety and security in local communities, and it would have been financed by a half penny tax on millionaires on incomes over one million dollars, meaning if one had two million in income, he would pay $5,000 in extra taxes, a small amount of contribution when compared to income and the public need!

It is shocking that Joe Lieberman would vote against this, and that Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine would vote against this as well!

At a time of the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, the Senate minority and even a few Democrats seem tone deaf to the reality of what is going on in America!

These 50 Senators are to be condemned for playing politics and being short sighted in a time of need!

Chilean Miners And First Responders On September 11: A World Of Difference!

A year after the Chilean Copper Mine disaster, leading to the ultimate miraculous recovery of 33 miners, we have known that the miners have suffered from physical and psychological harm, what is considered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

But now, the most wonderful possible event has occurred, as the government (meaning its taxpayers in effect), have decided that all of the miners should receive a pension for life, after what they went through, which will scar them for the rest of their lives! This is a wonderful gesture, making the lives of the miners a bit more pleasant and secure!

Why bring this up?

Because this is precisely the proper thing that our government at all levels should do, in response to the sacrifice of the First Responders on September 11 in New York City and Washington, DC!

Many have developed cancer, and many have other physical ills. Many have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well. But the reaction has been to deny a connection between these physical and mental ills and September 11!

This is morally wrong, and despicable, as again the priorities are messed up! Those who protect us, defend us, sacrifice for us, are pushed aside as just “public servants”!

Meanwhile, others who have gotten away with low taxation on their profits and fortunes are made out to be untouchable, to have no sacrifice needed, as America faces massive economic problems caused to a great extent by the refusal of the Bush Administration to make taxpayers pay for two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only time in history that our taxes have not gone up in time of war! This is another long range impact of September 11.

And to top it off, the decision of the Bush Administration to LOWER taxes on the wealthy is truly IMMORAL to the extreme, and only promotes more selfishness and greed!

It is time that we honor those who sacrificed on September 11, and stop coddling wealthy people and corporations, who enriched themselves in many cases on September 11 and its aftermath!

Time to do for FIrst Responders, what Chile proudly has done for the copper miners who went through so much in the mine disaster a year ago!