Elie Wiesel

American Jews, Israel And Barack Obama: Why Two Thirds Of Jews Will Support Obama Over Mitt Romney

With two days to go until the election, the Republican Jewish Coalition has been actively trying to convince American Jews that Barack Obama is not supportive of Israel, and that they should support Mitt Romney for President.

Will the RJC succeed? To some extent, yes, in the sense that while 78 percent of American Jews backed Barack Obama in 2008, the number will be down to about 60-63 percent in 2012.

There are those Jews who are extremely wealthy and do not wish to pay more taxes, such as the group which met in Boca Raton, at the infamous gathering where Romney talked about the “47 percent”. Those who are corporate, Wall Street, and banking related will wish to have the government abandon any regulations, so they can go about their merry way abusing their industries, as they did in 2008. and earlier, without any care for the damage they were doing to the American economy!

Those who are highly religious will use it as a means to promote prejudice, based on the belief that Obama is a secret Muslim, and of course, being black, is not a plus to highly religious people, whether Jewish or Christian, a sad commentary on what the meaning of religion is all about!

Those who look at Israel as the number one issue will wish to allow Benjamin Netanyahu to influence American policy, even though if any other foreign leader ever attempted to interfere as Netanyahu has, they would be infuriated by such boldness of a foreign leader!

But American Jews, while caring about Israel, will not allow Netanyahu, or religiosity, or counting their money, to be the key factors in their voting. So yes, the percentage will be down, but Jews who do not allow any of the above to influence them will remember that Obama and his party are the party of the New Deal and Great Society reforms, which Romney and the Republicans wish to destroy!

They will know that it was REPUBLICAN Presidents who made life much more difficult for Israel, including Dwight D. Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush, even though the RJC conveniently manipulates the truth about that

They will know that Defense Minister Ehud Barak (a former Prime Minister); Shimon Peres (Israel’s President); Haaretz (the oldest Israeli daily newspaper); Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel; and most prominent American Jewish leaders have all endorsed Obama, or said that he has been the best friend of Israel of all American Presidents.

They will know that most American Presidents either never visited Israel, or not in their first term, despite the lies of the RJC.

They will know that Obama has supplied Israel with the IRONDOME missile defense system, and more than $3.1 billion in security spending beyond that, and has defended Israel consistently in international organizations, including the United Nations.

They know that George W. Bush also talked about the 1967 borders as a beginning point for negotiations, the same thing that Barack Obama said.

They know the Jewish tradition of being activists in civil rights; of supporting women’s rights; of being big promoters of labor unions; of being involved in promoting education and the environment on a regular basis; and advocates of aid to the disabled; and of always being against the negativism of the Republican Party on domestic matters, always resisting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and every other social, economic and political reform the Democrats have promoted over the past century.

They know that the party of the people is NOT the Republicans, but the Democrats, and they are not about to abandon the party that has done so much good, particularly when we could see the alternative of the most right wing threat in American history since Barry Goldwater in 1964!

American Jews are OVERWHELMINGLY oriented toward reform, progress, change, compassion for those who are discriminated against and less fortunate, and they are intelligent and wise enough not to vote for the party of Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and right wing evangelicals who wish to take away our civil liberties and civil rights!

So close to two thirds of American Jews will repudiate the RJC, and support their President, Barack Obama!

The Mormon Church And Baptism Of Holocaust Jews And Others MUST Be Stopped And Reversed!

The Mormon Church has become involved in a major controversy over their decision to baptize Holocaust Jews and others who have died, without the permission of those people while they were alive, or the permission of their living relatives.

The theory behind this is that this way a person can be “saved” in the afterlife, and meet Jesus Christ, even if they were not believers in Jesus Christ in their lifetime.

This is insulting and disgraceful, as the concept that people must accept Jesus Christ in the after life is precisely what is wrong with organized religions that believe in proselytizing, including Christianity of all varieties and Islam.

It is not the business of anyone to take it upon themselves through their church or religious belief to convert anyone else against their will. There is enough of this pressure in life, but should not be in death.

The idea that Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts Governor and Republican Presidential candidate, engaged in such conversion practices of the dead in the past, including his own atheist father in law, is obscene to the extreme. One could say what nerve he had to do this to anyone, and the fact that his converted wife Ann Romney expressed no problem with this treatment of her deceased father makes one wonder about whether Ann Romney is a “Stepford Wife”, with no mind of her own, and the sensitivity to say “No” to her husband once, having already agreed upon marriage to Mitt that her parents would be forced to stay outside of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, for the wedding ceremony, because they were not Mormons. That in itself is mind boggling!

The Mormon Church had earlier agreed in 1999 to stop the baptism of dead Jews and others, but have continued to violate their own word, not promoting any confidence that one can believe anything they say or do!

And the idea that they baptized evil people such as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin and the September 11 Hijackers alongside Anne Frank and Simon Wiesenthal and others is enough to make one vomit!

Mitt Romney is being called upon by Elie Wiesel to intervene on this matter, and he cannot pass it on to the Mormon Church and ignore it, and if he does, it will rightfully affect his Presidential candidacy! It is time for immediate and final action on this matter with no excuses and no delays!