
Downsizing, Outsourcing, Offshoring: Mitt Romney’s Economic Plan!

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney loves to say he KNOWS how to run an economy and create jobs, but his record in Massachusetts as Governor from 2003-2007 shows otherwise, with one of the worst economic records as chief executive of that state.

Better to look at his record as the head of Bain Capital, where he was able to multiply his wealth to a quarter of a billion dollars by downsizing companies, outsourcing jobs, or what Romney calls offshoring jobs to other countries, and not giving a whit about the effect on thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of workers in various industries and companies.

Mitt Romney reminds many of their “boss”, and no one likes their “boss” enough to vote for him to do to America what he did in private enterprise.

The Obama campaign is exploiting this matter for all it is worth, and it is a deadly blow to the Romney campaign, as we do not want another Herbert Hoover, who was so rich and uncaring that he multiplied the disaster of the crash on Wall Street in 1929, bringing us Franklin D. Roosevelt!