Today, December 7, is the 82nd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which brought America into World War II.
There are still alive some veterans of that dastardly attack on a Sunday morning, which woke up America to the threats and the dangers from overseas, and proved that having two “great oceans” did not mean we were protected without a strong defense!
The attack woke up America, which again needs to be woken up, due to the opposition that exists to the US aiding Ukraine in its war against its Russian invader.
Just as the isolationists of the 1930s were wrong, so are the isolationists of the present, who live with their heads in the sand, thinking a Russian seizure of all of Ukraine is no threat to the rest of Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The battle over Ukraine aid now raging on Capitol Hill is a reminder how many Americans do not learn from history!
This man needs to be honored!!
There is now just one crew member of the USS Arizona still living, 102-year-old Lou Conter of California.