Day: January 11, 2023

Republicans On Suicide Watch: Promoting More Anti Abortion Legislation!

The right wing extremist Republican Party clearly is on a “suicide watch”, as after losing so many elections on the issue of abortion in the 2022 Midterms, they are at it again, passing extremist bans on abortion in the House of Representatives!

There is ZERO chance of such disgraceful limits on women’s control of their own bodies being passed in the US Senate. In any case, any such legislation would be vetoed by President Joe Biden!

The right wingers and the Republican Party have not learned that it is a losing cause to put limits on abortion, no matter what is done by the US Supreme Court and by backward state legislatures in many Southern states and Midwestern states!

But let us hope they continue their craziness, as it will insure their defeat for the Congress in 2024, as well as the White House!