Day: November 26, 2016

Vote Recount In Wisconsin, And Possibly In Michigan And Pennsylvania, Enough To Change Election

A vote recount will be conducted in Wisconsin, as a result of funds raised to contest the close popular vote lead of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, and efforts are being made for the same to occur in Michigan and Pennsylvania, enough, were it successful, to belatedly make Hillary Clinton President.

This is being done without the support of the Clinton camp, and simply the campaign of Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, and independent efforts to raise money for such a recount.

Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes, while Michigan has 16 electoral votes, and Pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes. If all 46 went to Clinton, she would win 278 in the electoral college, with 270 the number required to win.

The margin of victory in the three states combined is only about 103,000 votes, showing the power of everyone’s vote. Wisconsin was only a margin of 22,00 votes, while Michigan was 10,000, and Pennsylvania about 70,000, and there are accusations of miscounts and hacking. Together, these are less than one percent of the entire vote in those three states.

Could the election results suddenly lead to Trump losing election to the Presidency? This is extremely unlikely, but there is the threat of electors in mid December exercising their right to do what they wish by secret ballot, and voting against Trump.

It would, however, be unprecedented to have the whole election results reversed, and imagine the fallout were that to happen, without Hillary Clinton’s active support!