It seems more likely by the day that Vice President Elect Mike Pence could be the most engaged and active Vice President yet!
The Vice Presidency began to grow under Richard Nixon under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, because Ike was willing to delegate authority, and Nixon was smart and ambitious.
Nixon was the first Vice President to play a major role in policy making.
Walter Mondale under Jimmy Carter; George H. W. Bush under Ronald Reagan; Al Gore under Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney under George W. Bush; and Joe Biden under Barack Obama all added to the office of Vice President, but now it seems as if Donald Trump, who does not have a clue on anything in government, may be leaning on Mike Pence, who served 12 years in the House of Representatives, before becoming Indiana Governor over the past four years.
The good thing about Pence is that he is smart, intelligent, experienced in government, fully qualified, if need be, to take over the Presidency.
He is not Dan Quayle under George H. W. Bush, or Sarah Palin, who was the VP running mate of John McCain.
But despite his abilities, we must realize that Pence is a theocrat, who always says that his evangelical Christian faith is the most important thing in his life, and utilizes his right wing Christian beliefs to oppose abortion rights and gay rights in a vehement fashion. He also does not believe in climate change and science generally, and also promoted the idea that tobacco does not cause lung cancer, a preposterous idea.
So one would not wish to see Pence end up in the Presidency by plan or by circumstance, but in the meanwhile, he could be the single most important player in the Donald Trump administration over the next four years.
I think the Trump administration will be like the Godfather. Trump will be the figurehead. Pence, Bannon, Trump’s kids, etc. will be the ones truly running the show.
Going to be like the Bush administration on steroids.
Pence was booed at a performance of Hamilton.
From what I’ve heard, it sounded like Pence took the criticism better than his man-child boss did.