Seven years ago, Barack Obama became the 44th President, and history was transformed in a positive manner!
Not everything has worked out, and not everything he promised has occurred, but when one thinks about the alternative of President John McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin, one must thank God that he gave us Barack Obama!
McCain, even though he is less extreme than most Republicans, would most certainly have taken us into war more than we were under George W. Bush.
We would have massive involvement still in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and would have engaged in a major war against Iran.
Much of the social change that has occurred would not have had Presidential backing, including gay rights and gay marriage; climate change; criminal justice reform; attention to civil rights controversies; and a national health care system for more Americans. We also would not have Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court!
We would have had Sarah Palin as Vice President, and have to be constantly thankful that John McCain is still alive and healthy.