Political Reality: Those Accused Of Corruption Invariably Are Guilty Of Charges, Not Innocent!

We constantly see political corruption arise to the surface, and the saying is that corruption is as American as Apple Pie!

We are seeing, and have seen, governors, mayors, state legislators, and members of Congress, and even the executive branch, accused of corruption, exposed, and most often, forced out of office over time!

So when we hear that Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie, Scott Walker and others are being investigated for corruption of one kind or another, face the facts! Almost certainly, they are guilty as charged, but of course they deny it and fight it.

But it means their political careers are usually over, with an occasional exception such as Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, involved with a prostitution madam, but still reelected to the Senate, and now planning to run for Governor!

In certain states, corruption is more rampant than elsewhere, although it is endemic to American politics. But states such as Louisiana, Illinois, New Jersey, Nevada, Arizona, West Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, Massachusetts, Florida and New York have more than their fair share of crooked politicians of one kind or another!

2 comments on “Political Reality: Those Accused Of Corruption Invariably Are Guilty Of Charges, Not Innocent!

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge June 21, 2014 11:58 am

    Hello All,
    I set up a new blog site (because I cannot get into my old “engineer of knowledge” one) to pass on my thoughts and complement the Internet Radio Show, “Here Be Monsters”, “Sunday Show”.


    This blog site was created to complement the conversations, passing on the true and accurate facts, that can also be heard on the Internet Radio Blog Site, “Here Be Monsters”, “The Sunday Show” that comes on every Sunday from 6:00 to 7:00 PM EST.
    I am honored to be a co-host on this program with Gwen H. Barry (the host) and Jack Jodell (another co-host).
    The program is a current events talk show dealing with geo-political topics, domestic and +foreign. The occasional guest interviews are of the highest quality, and those well informed on the issues that affect us all today.
    I hope you check both sites out sometime soon.
    Thank you.

  2. Ronald June 21, 2014 12:06 pm

    Thanks, Engineer, for informing my readership of your blog and talk radio show!

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