Day: June 30, 2014

Why Such Opposition To Birth Control And Contraception, As It Has Nothing To Do With Abortion?

Hobby Lobby, the corporation which won its case before the Supreme Court today, making it possible for them to avoid having contraception as part of the medical coverage for their employees, is run by a family which professes to be “good Christians.”

What does birth control and contraception have to do with being “good Christians?”

All birth control and contraception means is that a woman should be able to have sexual relations, without the constant fear that she will be pregnant, when it may be inconvenient or problematical, in psychological or economic ways, to become pregnant.

Stopping a pregnancy occurring with an IUD or the “morning after” pill is not the same as having an abortion week or months later, when a fetus has started to develop.

Why should anyone give a damn about a woman having sex, without having to be concerned about pregnancy?

What is is about some “good Christians” that they feel the need to have government or corporations try to control a woman’s reproductive cycle, when it is NONE of their business, what one does with his or her love life?

Why can’t men leave women alone, and let them have human dignity and respect that they deserve? We don’t see a move to deny men the right to Viagra coverage on their medical plans!

Aren’t there enough poor people in this nation, already, who do not need anyone interfering in their desire to AVOID pregnancy?

Isn’t it time for people to stop butting into the private lives of others, and work on solving their own private life problems?

Isn’t it time for clergy to focus on making life better for those who are here and living,and those who are trying to make their lives better by not adding unwanted population, simply due to a sexual experience, be left alone?

Cocky, Arrogant, Smug, Smirker Bill Kristol Gets Comeuppance On THIS WEEK On ABC News!

Bill Kristol, publisher of The Weekly Standard, one of the leading conservative journals of opinion, and a leading Neoconservative, who advocated intervention in Iraq a decade ago, is always willing to promote US military intervention all over the world, as long as he does not, himself, have skin in the game.

A true “chicken hawk,” Kristol is one of the most obnoxious of all necons, being extremely cocky, arrogant, smug, and a smirker with an attitude that he knows it all. Watching him makes one wish he could wipe the smirk off his face!

On ABC’s THIS WEEK on Sunday, Kristol finally got his comeuppance, when Katrina Vanden Heuvel, the publisher of The Nation,which is one of the leading progressive-liberal journals of opinion, and Matthew Dowd, who was an aide to President George W. Bush, both went on the attack against Kristol and other necons, and effectively shut him up, although it is clear Kristol does not wish to listen or to learn, as he has all the answers, with his intellectual snobbery!

Vanden Heuvel suggested that if Kristol really believed in further military intervention in the Middle East, that he enlist in the military, and put his own skin in the game, to which Kristol had no answer.

It is amazing how many necons, including the most infamous, former Vice President Dick Cheney, never served in the military, but are only too willing to send the sons and daughters of others to war!