Day: May 23, 2014

The Veterans Administration Scandal And The GOP Lack Of Concern For Veterans

So finally, there is a “real” scandal under President Obama regarding the Veterans Administration failure to provide appropriate medical care for veterans, with the example particularly in Phoenix, Arizona of 40 veterans dying for lack of follow through on appointments.

This is reprehensible and must be fully investigated, but it is part of the reality of the bureaucracy of the VA, which has been a problem for a long time, and was fully vetted as a reality under the administration of George W. Bush.

Since Barack Obama became President, we have seen a fifty percent increase in funding, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has worked to try to push the bureaucracy to action, with little success.

So along comes the hypocritical Republican Party, which has voted against extra funding for the agency, and has set their sights on Shinseki, who angered George W. Bush and Dick Cheney back in 2003, when as a four star general, he spoke up against the planned Iraq War strategy of Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld, who felt we did not need hundreds of thousands of troops to win over Saddam Hussein and any aftermath of doing so.

Shinseki was correct, but was dismissed from the military by the Bush Administration, and now the Republicans are trying to make Shinseki the scapegoat for the VA Scandal.

If we had not engaged in two failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would not have the overwhelming numbers of veterans who now need medical help, and yet see the GOP fight against increased funding for the agency.

The Republican Party is no friend of veterans, only the friend of the defense industries which make trillions off of war, including Dick Cheney, who became extremely wealthy off of stock and former leadership in Halliburton, one of the most corrupt corporations on the planet!

Shinseki and Obama are being made political victims of the the hypocrisy of the Republican Party, which has demonstrated total lack of concern for veterans by their actions!