Day: May 16, 2014

Jon Huntsman On Assault Weapons Ban: Not Acceptable To Democrats And Sane Independents!

Former Utah Governor and former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman has been applauded by this blogger over the past few years as the only reasonable, sane candidate that the Republican Party possesses, with possibly the exception of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

But the disappointment at his recent statement that he would veto an assault weapons ban of any kind is therefore disturbing and disillusioning, and makes it clear that while Huntsman is very talented and intelligent, still the best of the Republican Party, he is not acceptable to someone who believes in progressivism and the need for gun regulations to cut down the high level of violence in this country!

The reality is that Jon Huntsman has close to no chance to be the GOP nominee in any case, but it is clear that the Republican Party cannot offer anyone the road to a future where the average American can be safe and secure, as long as we have the lack of political courage to realize the absolute, dire need for some kind of assault weapons ban–not absolute necessarily, but within reasonable limits of some sort.

The goal is not to deny the Second Amendment, but also not to give license to mass murders of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School; or to mass murder in movie theaters, or in shopping malls, or colleges, or any public place–with no regulation of who is able to acquire firearms, particularly assault weapons that should only be used in war situations or by law enforcement authorities. As things stand, Democrats and sane Independents cannot support any GOP nominee for President!