Month: April 2014

The American Presidency Began 225 Years Ago Today, With George Washington Inauguration!

On this day, April 30, in the year 1789, the American Presidency began its history, with the inauguration of George Washington at Federal Hall in New York City, 57 days later than the official Inauguration Day for every President through the first term of Franklin D. Roosevelt!

No one could have known the challenges, the crises, the good and bad moments that every President, all 43 of them, would face over the next 225 years of American history.

This is a day to celebrate, as it is the marking of an important anniversary in the history of the most powerful executive position in any nation which is democratic in nature, whether a President, Prime Minister, or Premier.

We should never forget the sacrifices those 43 men suffered in order to lead us into the future, and to be the leaders of the greatest nation in the world, which must never stop moving toward “a more perfect Union.” We have come a long way from our imperfections, but we still have a long way to go!

The Schizoid Supreme Court: All Based On Moods Of John Roberts And Anthony Kennedy!

It is clear that the Roberts Supreme Court is a schizoid body, sometimes doing what is right, and sometimes going totally wrong!

So the Roberts Court upheld the Affordable Care Act; gay marriage; and environmental regulations now–all attacks on states rights in these areas.

But at the same time, they have opened up the political system to corruption by billionaires with recent decisions; have weakened the Voting Rights Act; and have damaged affirmative action, believing that civil rights no longer is a major problem, just as we realize the extent of racism that still exists in America, despite having an African American President!

It all comes down to the mood of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. as the votes of Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, are extremely predictable, based on their own lack of ethics in their business dealings, and their close association with the Koch Brothers, creating a conflict of interest.

If things were legitimate, Justices Scalia and Thomas, in particular, would be facing impeachment and removal from the Court, as they have demonstrated that they are the most obstructive Justices of the past century, only matched by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, but with an argument that they are more right wing than Rehnquist ever was!

The Republican Party: The Party Against Life! Pro-Gun, Anti Medicaid, Pro Death Penalty!

The Republican Party and conservatives love to say they are the Pro Life Party, as they oppose abortion rights for any reason, including rape, incest, and life of the mother (for the most so called “religious”).

But at the same time, they are against any gun regulations to prevent future Sandy Hook Massacres or the reality that 12,000 people a year are killed by lack of regulation of firearms. So many cases of children killing siblings because of reckless parents who leave loaded firearms around, or killing of partners by wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, abound.

Also, about half of the states have refused to expand Medicaid, and are therefore responsible for the death of people within their states who cannot gain health care.

And for those states which have the death penalty, and allow the idea that a mix of drugs used to execute prisoners, without awareness of what they are, and their effect on the victim, can lead to the botched execution in Oklahoma last night, is an atrocity only fit for the Middle East or Russia or China, not the United States.

These Republican and conservative and “religious” promoters of death should be condemned, and it is clear that the states have run amuck in regards to basic human rights, including the right to live, free from gun violence, with access to health care, and the abolition of the death penalty, as it has not led to lower crime rates, but simply as a method to kill more people of minority status. The vast number who face execution in states that have a record of racial discrimination over the long period of years is testimony enough to this truth!

The Georgia Gun Law: The Most Extreme In America!

Georgia now has the distinction of having the most extreme gun law in America, termed the “Guns Everywhere” law, allowing any person to carry a firearm in full view into any school, bar, church, restaurant, youth center, library, and sports arena, and cannot even be asked to produce a license by the police.

Already, a man brandished a gun at a youth baseball game, and despite twenty calls to the police, nothing could be done, and the man could brag that he had a gun, with no one being able to know if he was stable mentally, or might use the weapon on the gathered crowd. This kind of incident can scar children for life, the fear of someone shooting them, and with the reality that about 12,000 people are killed annually due to widespread availability of guns.

This is pure insanity, and means everyone is endangered every day in the Peach State, and there is certainty that the death rate from guns will rise dramatically. Anyone who gets angry in any public place can open up fire and kill many, because of his or her unstable emotional state.

How can a civilized society allow this, and say a person’s right to brandish a firearm outweighs people’s rights to security and safety from people who become, often, vicious, when they have a firearm, as it makes them feel more masculine and worthy by having in their hands a weapon that can do mass killings? Promoting the Second Amendment should not mean that all of society is under the gun literally, every day, and can never feel secure in their ability to lead a normal and long life span!

Republicans, Race, And The Confederate South: Successors To Old Southern Democrats!

The Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln; the Emancipation Proclamation; the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments; large scale support for civil rights in the 1960s; and having three progressive Southerners as President (Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton); and many New South Governors (including Jimmy Carter, Reuben Askew, Dale Bumpers, Bill Clinton), has now fully adapted itself to the old Confederate South, the old Southern segregationist Democrats, the South that wants the “good old days” of slavery and discrimination that existed before the Civil War and continued for another century until the civil rights movement transformed the South, or seemed to do so.

The fact is that the old Confederate South still exists, and the Republicans have become the successor to the old racist, Southern Democrats. Many of the members of Congress from the South and the Border States have no problem spewing racist statements, and backing racists, including, just recently: Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, George Zimmerman, Ted Nugent–all of whom identify with the Republican Party.

At the same time, the majority of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans, have weakened the Voting Rights Act enforcement and have now made affirmative action something that will be ended, rather than reformed; and the use of abusive language toward the first African American President has been done with absolutely no sign of any respect or deference for a person in the Presidency, who at least has the right to expect that. Some would say that every President suffers abuse, but none since Abraham Lincoln has faced as much hate and personal threats as Barack Obama.

Additionally, the Republican Party has done everything it can to limit the right to vote to African Americans and other minorities as the only way for them to keep power in the South, but also in the heartland, as well!

It is indeed sad that the GOP has become what conservatives love to condemn the old Southern Democrats for doing, but indeed have copied–a party of support of racism and inequality of treatment!

Celebration Of Knowledge: The 214th Anniversary Of The Library Of Congress In Washington, DC!

This weekend, the nation commemorates the 214th anniversary of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, the national library of the United States!

Anyone who has done scholarly research, as this author has, or anyone who has read any book published in the US or worldwide that has been available in the United States, owes a lot to the Library of Congress, as it catalogues all books, prints, photographs, manuscripts, periodicals, newspapers, and every other kind of venue for knowledge that exists!

Spending many months in the Manuscript Division, as this author did in the early 1970s for his dissertation/ book which was published in 1981, made one fall in love with the institution, and realize how fortunate this nation is for this institution, and its three magnificent buildings in the nation’s capitol, along with research facilities and repositories all over the country.

In league with the National Archives and the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress gives the nation and the world unprecedented access to the “hospital of the mind,” the knowledge that expands human aspirations and activity, and makes the world a better place!

The “Man Up!” Attack Against Barack Obama In Foreign Policy Totally Outrageous!

The Republican Party and conservatives will stop at nothing to attack Barack Obama in every way possible, including the accusation that he is weak in foreign policy, and that he needs to “man up!”, in relation to Vladamir Putin and the Ukraine Crisis; and also the problems with the Syrian Civil War and the Iran Nuclear negotiations.

If you left it up to “neocons”, neoconservatives who took us into the wrong headed Iraq War, we would be going to war against Russia, sending ground troops in Syria, and bombing Iran! Meanwhile, most of this group have never been in the military, have never fought under war conditions, but are very willing to send young men and women into harm’s way, and have little concern about what happens to them when they come home from war, physically or psychologically harmed, and cannot gain adequate services from the Department of Veterans Affairs!

This is total insanity, that a President who took out Osama Bin Laden, and has been steadfast in his willingness to use whatever means necessary to fight terrorism and Al Qaeda, is accused of being weak, refusing to get us involved in more ground wars that cannot be won in realistic terms!

Why is it that we never heard “Man Up!” toward the following Presidents and foreign policy crises:

Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Hungarian Crisis of 1956
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Czechoslovakian Crisis of 1968
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Pueblo Crisis with North Korea in 1968
Ronald Reagan and the Withdrawal of Marines from Lebanon after the Beirut Marine Barrack Bombing in 1983
George W. Bush and the Georgian Crisis of 2008

Why is it that things are different now, when all Presidents have challenges similar to what Obama faces, but are treated with more respect and deference? I think the answer is simple, and needs not to be said, but understood to be reality!

What The Right Wing Was Wrong About In History

The Right Wing has been proved once again to be wrong, this time on Cliven Bundy, the anarchist in Nevada who refuses to pay his taxes, disobeys the Bureau of Land Management, and says he does not recognize the authority of the federal government.

This is NOT the first time the Right Wing has been wrong!

Consider the following:

Wrong on the threat of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in the 1930s
Wrong in their opposition to Social Security in the 1930s
Wrong in their condemnation of federal spending during the New Deal
Wrong in their glorification of Chiang Kai Shek as Chinese Leader in the 1940s through 1970s
Wrong in their support of racial segregation in the era of civil rights
Wrong in their belief of the detrimental effect of the 1960s on America
Wrong in their opposition to Medicare in the 1960s
Wrong in their blaming of the Left for the loss in the Vietnam War
Wrong in their demonization of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency
Wrong in their opposition to the Panama Canal Treaty because of fear of danger to American security
Wrong in their glorification of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency
Wrong in their demonization of Bill Clinton’s Presidency
Wrong in their support of the Religious Right evangelical Christianity in American politics
Wrong in their promotion of racist politicians even in recent times
Wrong in their attack on the environmental movement and climate change
Wrong in their promotion of denial of human rights and equality to gay Americans
Wrong in their demonization of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Is this enough of a list?

A Great Moment For Progressives: Sean Hannity, Rand Paul And Other Right Wingers On The Defensive Over Racist Comments Of Cliven Bundy!

This is a glorious time for progressives, as the Cliven Bundy story becomes one not only anarchism, law breaking, and tax evasion, but also one of pure and simple racism!

Any sane person would see that Cliven Bundy is a piece of crap, and that the government MUST enforce the law against this anarchistic lawbreaker, and use whatever federal intervention is necessary, so that he does not get way with breaking federal law with impunity, as that will only stir up others to think they can defy their government, when there is no just cause to do so!

It has been fun watching Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Dean Heller, Rick Perry, Greg Abbott and others squirm and try to escape their endorsement and support of this garbage!

The answer is that Fox News Channel is to be blamed for backing Cliven Bundy, and the answer should be to fire Sean Hannity as losing all credibility, and promoting disrespect for our laws, and being an advocate of anarchism and violence!

And those Republicans who have backed Bundy have lost all credibility to be our Commander in Chief, and any Republican who backed Bundy should be promptly defeated for any more terms in Congress or state government!

The Disgraceful Franklin Graham And Ralph Reed

Franklin Graham is disgraceful as the supposed successor of his dad, the Reverend Billy Graham, who is now 95 years of age.

Franklin Graham is extremely anti Islamic, labeling everyone in the faith as a potential terrorist, and unwilling to work toward reconciliation with the vast number of Muslims who are NOT terrorists, millions of them living in the United States, and facing discrimination that is undeserved.

Additionally, Franklin Graham is extremely anti gay, and applauds Russian leader Vladamir Putin on his nation’s anti gay legislation, failing to understand that gays are being threatened and victimized in ways similar to what happened to them in Nazi Germany. He has absolutely no tolerance or willingness to give gays and lesbians the equal rights in law and social treatment that all Americans are supposed to be guaranteed under the Bill of Rights!

It was good to see ABC News journalist Cokie Roberts challenge Graham on THIS WEEK this past Sunday, and she also did a service by exposing the hypocrisy of Ralph Reed, formerly of the Christian Coalition of Pat Robertson, and now of the Faith And Freedom Coalition, who claimed that gays are not fit to be parents, and that they harm children by adoption, when there is absolutely no such evidence. Reed is a nasty man, a person of doubtful ethical character himself, having engaged in political finance scandals, and demonstrating very right wing views tinged with religious hypocrisy toward women, as well as gays and lesbians.

Graham and Reed are two religious activists worthy of condemnation by those who believe in fairness and justice!