Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is working very hard to make a name for himself, as he plans to run for President.
There is a sad lot of candidates for President on the Republican side, but Jindal is among the worst of the worst!
He heads a state, Louisiana, which remains in the bottom ten of states in most statistics, and often almost at the bottom of the bottom!
His state is extremely poor, but Jindal, unlike John Kasich of Ohio and Jan Brewer of Arizona, will not allow Medicaid coverage for one out of four Louisianans, and continues to oppose ObamaCare with no alternative solution.
His state is the worst state per capita for people in prison, and the state prison system is mostly privatized, which makes it an industry designed to incarcerate as many inmates as possible for profit reasons.
His state, historically, is the most corrupt state politically, and now has a US Senator, David Vitter, who was involved in a prostitution scandal, but still was reelected, and now plans to run for Governor in 2015 to succeed Jindal.
Jindal has done nothing to better the lot of poor Louisianans, and every time he opens his mouth, he makes one wonder as to his intelligence, and his lack of empathy for those less fortunate is shocking!
If the GOP were to choose Bobby Jindal as their Presidential nominee in 2016, he would lose in a massive landslide!
Well Ron, since you are one of those typical Liberal professors, I would just like to point out one thing to you and Mark. My Brother-in-law is a professor at McGill U in Motreal. And he loves this Jindahl guy. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
HAHA, what field does he teach in? And what are his political views, JOB, LOL ? 🙂
Not sure what exactly he teaches Ron. He did some teaching but mostly grant work at UCSD. This is his first full teaching gig and still does some research work. I believe his PhD is in bio engineering but I may be wrong. Most of his research and grant work is in cancer research and treatment.
He is a libertarian, which isn’t perfect, but still better than a Tea Party Conservative. LOLOLOL
Thanks, JOB! Being a scientist means he has a different mindset totally, and being a libertarian—well, I will not say anything, as it might not be nice! LOL hahahaha I am a believer in government, while libertarians are not!
Professor, don’t leave us guessing your thoughts on libertarians!
HAHA, Mark, libertarianism is impractical, with the only area I have some agreement being foreign policy, but definitely NOT domestic policy!:)
Ron, what about the Libertarian’s domestic policy makes you shake your head?
JOB, I do not believe in the idea that we do not need government, as I believe economic regulation is necessary, not left up to individual whims. I think government is good, and that Ron Paul and others are living in a dream world!
Ron, I think you’re right. But the problem is our Government itself. It is so big, but yet so inefficient, that it is appalling. Our country is so big, and so diversified, that we do need Government. I agree completely. But our government is ran horribly. We only need to look at the website problems a few months back to realize this is true. Let me give you an example of our Government’s ineptness.
When my Brother-in-law first arrived for work in Canada, he had to visit 4 different government enterprises. First he had to go to their immigration in order to finalize his work VISA. Second he had to go to whatever office for his nationalized healthcare card. Third, had to pay a visit to there equivalent to Social Security for that card. Last but not least, he had to go to there version of a DMV for his license. He accomplished all of this in just over 90 minutes. His words not mine, “If our Government ran this efficiently I would gladly pay 40%”.
If you go to the DMV in Chicago Ron, you better pack a lunch. Government in this country is needed. I agree with that. But you can’t argue that it is highly inefficient.
The DMV, JOB, is LOCAL government, which I argue is the most inefficient. The historical record does not favor state governments either, particularly in the South. I am an advocate of national government, if you have not figured that out already! LOL