It seems clear that Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate, will not be able to help win Wisconsin in the Presidential election, as one polls shows a 14 point lead now for Barack Obama.
But Mitt Romney, who has connections to five states in his life, also seems likely to lose all but Utah, the center of the Mormon Church/\.
Romney will not win Massachusetts, where he governed; Michigan, where he grew up; New Hampshire, where he has a home, but is running behind Obama; and California, where he has the infamous home which is having a car elevator installed!
What a pitiful record when neither running mate on the GOP line can claim a home state in their favor, and only the Mormon dominated Utah can be seen as supporting Mitt Romney!
Yee Haw I’m a Republican and I vote for my own self destruction!!!!
Tonight a prominent Mormon spoke out against Romeny! Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed him this evening, but I missed his name. He said he knows Romney well, in fact they did their Mormon missions at the same time. He stated he was sickened by the comments by Romney to the roomful of people in Boca Raton. He also stated, “Mitt Romney is not the face of Mormonism!”