Day: September 21, 2012

Senior Citizens And The Romney-Ryan Threat To Social Security, Medicare, And Medicaid

For a long time, it has been believed that senior citizens have been more likely to vote Republican than any other age group in the 2012 Presidential campaign!

Senior citizens as a group are seen as less likely to support abortion, gay rights and gay marriage, and sadly, some have a problem with having an African American President as well. Also, religious beliefs are often more important to many senior citizens, so that makes a majority of them likely to be conservative and vote Republican.

But forgotten is that these senior citizens have greatly benefited from “liberal” Democratic programs such as Social Security under Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, and Medicare and Medicaid under Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society,, and with their longevity, they are really gaining a lot more than probably future generations will benefit from these prograrms.

And many senior citizens sense that what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan represent is a threat to them, even though there are claims that it will not affect anyone on these programs, or within ten years of going on these programs.

But then, many of these senior citizens also are concerned that their children under 55 will be forced onto a voucher program under the Paul Ryan plan on Medicare, and that Medicaid will be cut, and that Social Security could be privatized as well for the future, endangering what they and their children have contributed to for generations.

So now, the belief is developing that it is possible that senior citizens may be reconsidering their support of Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, as, after all, they are a combination of an extremely wealthy former Governor, who has never had to struggle, and a young Congressman who has inherited millions from his in laws, and has done very well on his own for a man of 42 years of age!

In other words, are these candidates able to understand the hopes and fears of average people, both senior citizens and their children who are under 55, but have paid into Medicare and Social Security for decades?

The answer is clearly NO!

Mitt Romney: A Presidential Nominee Without A Party! What Does That Portend For A President Romney?

Mitt Romney is discovering that his party, both on the state level with governors, and on the national level with Senators and Congressmen, is abandoning him to save their own skins and their own power positions.

It is a real embarrassment that almost everyone, including conservative activists, who really don’t like him anyway, is leaving Romney hanging in the wind!

What does this portend for a potential President Romney?

It is clear that were he to become President, he would wield no power or influence over conservative activists, talk radio and Fox News Channel, or state governors and Congressional leaders.

He would be unable to keep a unified, loyal majority once the inevitable crisis arose, or the first political dispute occurred, which would mean he would be a totally ineffective President!

To top it off, he would not have the popular backing of the American people, because they would not like him, would not have his back, and would likely turn against him very readily.

So face the facts!

Mitt Romney would be a total disaster as President of the United States!

But, fortunately, that is NOT about to happen!

Government “Benefits” And The “Red” States

Mitt Romney condemned the “47 percent” this week, who he claimed are dependent on government “benefits”, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Pell Grants, housing assistance, and other “welfare” payments, including unemployment compensation.

The fact that many of the people who receive “benefits,” other than Social Security and Medicare (which all recipients have directly paid taxes on their whole working lives), are from the “red” states, the Republican states, which voted for John McCain in 2008, seems to have been forgotten.

There is much more poverty and lower incomes, and also, sadly, drug addiction and alcoholism, in the Southern states and the Great Plains and Mountain States, where Republican support is most prevalent.

The New England and Middle Atlantic States, the Midwest, and the Pacific Coast states, much more “blue” or Democratic in voting habits, have higher incomes, less poverty in a comparative sense, and pay the bulk of federal income taxes.

So actually, the “blue” Democratic states have the burden of taxation to support the “red” Republican states, who are more dependent for government support, although they hate the federal government and vote Republican, for a party that gives not a damn about them, and looks down on them as losers, but is able to convince them to hate “liberals” and “progressives” who brought about the programs they benefit from!

Of course, the fact that President Barack Obama is articulate and black plays a major role in their hate, but they still accept support from the “blue” party and states!

What a tremendous example of hypocrisy, lies, deception, and ignorance on a massive scale!

The Growing Possibility Of An Electoral College Landslide For Barack Obama!

With the “47 Percent” statement of Mitt Romney plaguing him, and causing many Republican candidates to repudiate his assertions, as an attempt to save their own skins, and with polls showing a growing lead for Obama in all of the “swing states” except North Carolina, some observers are starting to wonder if we are at the beginning of an electoral vote landslide in 46 days!

Barack Obama won 28 states in 2008, and is now favored to win all of them except Indiana and North Carolina, but both of those states are now seen as possibly going his way, as they did in 2008.

Additionally, four states—Missouri, Arizona, Montana and Georgia—are thought to be prime Democratic territory in future Presidential elections, as their mix of population favors them turning “blue”, but some wonder if they could be swayed by Romney’s statement–alienating young people, senior citizens, women, labor, veterans, and African American and Hispanic-Latino voters– to come out in droves and turn those states prematurely Democratic.

All this–the potential for 32 states and the District of Columbia to vote for Obama–has already been stated by this author as conceivable, if not likely.

But now, the thought even goes further, as a contribution by someone on this blog believes it is possible to have an even greater landslide, with the potential, in this person’s mind, for Obama to win 44 states as the 44th President, matching electoral landslides for Presidents including Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan!

This person feels only six states are safe for Romney–Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho.

This author feels that this belief is too optimistic, and would add West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Nebraska , Kansas and Alaska to this list—making only 13 states truly safe now for Romney!

So this author would say that 37 states are possible–adding South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, North Dakota, and South Dakota to the potential list, due to the events of the Presidential campaign!

So were Obama to win all but the 13 states mentioned above, he would have a grand total of
462 electoral votes to 76 for Mitt Romney!

This is not likely, but it is possible, so stay tuned!