As Iowa Caucuses Near, Growing Problems For Front Runners Paul, Gingrich, Romney

As the Iowa Caucuses near, just eight days from now, there are growing problems for the front runners in the polls.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul is having problems explaining away the hateful, prejudiced, racist, anti Semitic, anti gay rants on his newsletters in the 1980s and 1990s, claiming he is not responsible for what was published under his name.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is having his account of his first divorce challenged, as court records show that he pursued the divorce, rather than his first wife. Also, it has been noted that Gingrich, even in the 1970s and early 1980s, expressed interest in running for President one day, and stated the view that his first wife, considerably older than himself, would be a burden to run with, because of the age difference and his view that she was not attractive enough to be First Lady!

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the acknowledged wealthiest person running for President, has refused to release any financial records, which only a small number of presidential possibilities have failed to do in the past. This is an issue that will not go away, particularly because of the knowledge that when he worked at Bain Capital, his goal was to cut work forces at companies controlled by that corporation, rather than to increase job opportunity, something he claims he would be good at, as compared to Barack Obama.

So more than ever, the Iowa Caucuses seem more muddled, and probably insignificant, since the number of participants are so small, and so one sided in their views, that they are not representative of the nation, or really, even New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and Nevada, the other “early states”!

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