Day: December 9, 2011

Mitt Romney Calls Barack Obama An “Appeaser”! What Planet Is Romney On?

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has leveled a charge of “appeasement” upon President Barack Obama in the area of foreign policy!

What a preposterous accusation on the part of Romney! What planet is he on, to attack Obama in his STRONGEST area of policy, defense and foreign policy?

Obama not only has been able to gain the death of Osama Bin Laden, but also 22 other top operatives in Al Qaeda. He has been able to gain the overthrow of Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi without one American troop on the ground and no combat losses.

No one around the world in any nation believes that Barack Obama is a “pushover”!

To attack Obama on the economy, one can make some points, but on national security and defense, it is a lame attack with NO merit!

Florida Governor Rick Scott Pitting Educational Funding Against Medicaid!

Florida Governor Rick Scott, a favorite of the Tea Party crowd, has made a bad name for himself among many Floridians who wish they could remove him from office, but so far an attempt at a recall vote has gone nowhere, unlike what Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is facing.

After gutting educational funding in the first year of his term, now he is calling for $1 billion increase in support for the educational system under the college level, but still would leave Florida behind its all time high funding, and leave Florida one of the worst states in education support and educational results.

But what he is also doing is pitting education, the future of the young, versus Medicaid, the health care system that comes to the support of the poor, the chronically ill, disabled, and elderly.

So he is showing no conscience about the most vulnerable among us, while suddenly trying to make himself look good on education.

It is immoral and unethical for Governor Scott to be calling for drastic cuts in Medicaid spending ($2 billion), while creating the image that he cares about education!

Hopefully, the Republican controlled legislature will NOT agree to such drastic cuts in Medicaid spending, as to attack the most vulnerable among us is totally unacceptable!