Reality: The Youth Vote Dissipated As Compared To 2008! :(

One of the major factors in the Democrats losing control of the House, and six seats in the Senate, was the deteriorating youth vote, those 18-29!

23 million young people voted in 2008, many of them for Barack Obama and the Democrats, but only an estimated 9 million voted this time, and overall, only 11 percent of young people voted!

Many young people have excuses for failing to vote, including “being busy”, “not being aware of the issues”, etc., but they are lame! 🙁

All these excuses are just that–excuses–and it has been a constant battle to convince young people that being a voting citizen is important, no matter what their political and partisan views!

All over the world, people have died for the right to vote, and the battle for the 26th Amendment was fought in the 1960s to give young people 18-21 the right to vote, and it is frustrating how people of 18-29 years of age seem to fail to realize their responsibility, and the necessity of voting!

The old saying is that people get the government they deserve, so as long as young people in large numbers fail to vote, those in government will ignore their issues and problems, until they learn of the absolute necessity of being mature citizens who realize they have an obligation to vote!

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