Bill Clinton Compares Oklahoma City Bombing Atmosphere To Today

Former President Bill Clinton has warned that the country is in a dangerous political environment similar to 1995, when we saw anti government militias spewing forth anti government rhetoric, which influenced Timothy McVeigh to make the decision to bomb the Oklahoma City Federal Building on April 19, 1995, killing 168 and injuring a thousand people.

This was the greatest domestic terrorist attack in US history, and many are concerned that as the 15 year anniversary of that event comes on Monday, that a similar event might happen.

Clinton pointed out that he was not criticizing those who wish to be critical of government, but the hot political rhetoric fuels the fires of extremists who go too far. He referred to Michele Bachmann at a Tax Day Tea Party rally calling the government a bunch of “gangsters”, which he said is not acceptable language, as the people running the government were elected by a majority of the American people.

Clinton pointed out that with the growth of the internet, the danger of extremist and violent groups to organize and conspire has grown, so he expressed his hope that we could keep our political opposition within legal bounds.

Monday, April 19, will be a day that all law abiding Americans will watch to see that we can keep our disagreements and anger within legal means!

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