People’s Party

The Emergence Of A People’s Party Movement To Fight The Tea Party Movement And The Republican Party!

The events in Wisconsin these past three weeks, leading to the end of collective bargaining of public service workers there, plus similar action in Ohio and elsewhere yet to be seen, has awakened the middle class, and those less fortunate, to the reality that they cannot sit back and allow the national Democratic Party to plan alone for 2012, as President Obama seems unwilling at this point to challenge the opposition openly, as part of his centrist strategy for re-election.

So the average American who is disgusted with the power and influence of the super rich and the corporations must organize for the future and pressure the Democratic Party in 2011-2012, as much as the right wing Tea Party did the same with the Republican Party in 2009-2010, and is still at work on its evil intentions!

So there is already the emergence of what many might call the People’s Party, with set goals of what they wish to accomplish between now and the Presidential Election of 2012, and Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton, is one of those promoting such a development, and discussing it on the Talking Points Memo website two days ago. Of course, reality is that not all of the below ideas can be accomplished quickly, but they are a series of goals for the future.

What are the goals of the People’s Party?

1. Increase the pay and bargaining power of ordinary workers, by promoting collective bargaining and union rights of all workers.

2. Require the super rich to pay their fair share of taxes–which includes capital gains taxes, inheritance taxes, taking away citizenship of those sheltering income overseas, and increasing top marginal tax rates and number of top tax brackets.

3. Protect and expand government programs that advance the middle class and the poor, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Public Education, Pell Grants for college students, Public Transportation, and the Earned Income Tax Credit.

4. End corporate welfare, including wasteful defense spending, agricultural subsidies, and tax subsidies for industries and specific corporations at the state and national level.

5. Save Social Security by raising the income level that is taxed to all income that is earned, just as it is for Medicare.

6. End Wall Street dominance of the economy, requiring smaller banks, having a financial transactions tax, and preventing future bailouts.

7. Enforce regulations that benefit workers, consumers, investors, and the environment, and raise penalties on corporations that violate these regulations.

8. Provide affordable health care for all Americans through adoption of single payer Medicare for all.

9. Slow and reverse climate change through carbon emissions taxes on polluters, and returning these taxes and penalties as tax cuts for the working middle class that has been victimized by these corporations.

10. Take big money out of politics, by fighting the Citizens United Supreme Court case, requiring public financing of all campaigns at all levels, and full disclosure of all campaign contributions to all candidates for any public office at any level.

Wisconsin is a clarion call to all progressives and liberals that they cannot simply lie down and take what they are getting, but must FIGHT for change and reform, because no one is going to give it to them simply because they ask! The fight to overcome the right wing extremism that has taken hold in the House of Representatives and many state governments has just begun!