Middle And Lower Classes

Republican Party Will Follow Liz Truss Lead, And Cause Economic Crisis!

British Prime Minister Liz Truss will go down in history as the shortest lasting government in British history, 45 days, and now, there is talk of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was a true disaster, and too much like Donald Trump, might come back to office.

The Conservative Party of Great Britain is in free fall, but they do not have to call for a new election for two years, so difficult times are ahead, whether or not Johnson returns to power!

But yet, the Republican Party in American politics seems ready to go down as the British equivalent of an economic disaster, if they gain control of either or both houses of Congress in the Midterm Elections of 2022!

Liz Truss tried to follow the old “supply side Economics” of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, copied by former President Ronald Reagan. The goal was to lower taxes on the wealthy, and cut social spending, and it hit the middle and lower classes in both Great Britain and America hard in the 1980s.

The national debt tripled in America, and there was lots of corruption in the Reagan Administration, but it is glorified by conservatives, who also loved when George W. Bush and Donald Trump gave even more massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

So if Kevin McCarthy and his ilk gain control, they will promote more tax cuts to the wealthy, while setting out to destroy the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans’ benefits.

So while there are troubles with inflation, if the American people vote in a Republican Congress, they will discover the disaster that Great Britain is now experiencing!

Supreme Court Declares War On Environmental Protection Agency

Republican President Richard Nixon signed into law the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, and goes down as one of the best environmental Presidents.

Fifty years later, the Right Wing Extremist Supreme Court has declared war on the EPA, and it indicates the beginning of a direct attack on the “Administrative” state and the “Regulatory” state for the long term.

With the growing global warming and climate change crisis worldwide, the United States is being prevented from curbing carbon pollution from coal and oil.

This is short term and long term suicide for the US and the planet, and can only be curbed, as things stand, by adding members to the Court under a Democratic President.

We are in a constitutional crisis with an extremist, runaway Court out of control, and promoting only what is good for the wealthy upper class, while the middle and lower classes will face the dangers of the damage the Supreme Court is engaged in!

Republicans At It Again: Out To Destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid!

The Republican Party at large, since the 1930s and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, have tried to destroy Social Security.

The Republican Party at large, since the 1960s and Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society, have tried to destroy Medicare and Medicaid.

Individual Republicans have not followed the party lead over the years, but substantially even in 2022, most Republicans want to cut and destroy these programs, which have done so much for the middle and lower classes.

So the battle is on for the midterms, to insure that these programs promoted by FDR and LBJ, are not undermined!