Guns, Gays, Immigrants, Women: The Demise Of The Republican Party

The Republican Party is allowing itself to fall into a “coma” from which it will not recover if there is not fast action to reverse their course.

It is rapidly becoming the “stupid” party, the irrelevant party, the party of the 19th century, the party that makes the organization that gave us Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower look glorious and forward looking, while putting those who admire that original party now feel a need to engage in deep mourning for what has been lost!

A party that worships guns, as if we are on the frontier fighting native Americans, and are living in the era of the American Revolution and the Civil War, is a party in deep denial. To see the right of people to own multiple weapons and large magazines, and have no concern about the death of children and adults in all public places imaginable, is to see a party of delusion.

A party that led on the issue of the end of slavery and passed the first civil rights laws, now leads the crusade to promote hate and discrimination against people based on sexual orientation, and to allow right wing Christian wing nuts to preach a Christianity which denies equality and justice and tolerance to such human beings makes it a party which has forgotten about the Founding Fathers’ beliefs in separation of church and state.

A party which legitimizes nativism, hatred of immigrants, as one of its major ideals, is a party that refuses to face the future, one in which immigrants will be the dominant factor in our politics and society, and forgets its own fundamental roots among immigrant groups in the 19th century who believed in the reform principles that founded the party.

And a party which fails to respect women’s rights and dignity, and treats them as second class citizens due to the influence of right wing Christian extremists, is a party on the road to extinction.

The Republican Party has been given plenty of warnings about its impending demise. The question now is whether it will revive itself from its coma and come into the 21st century, and promote rationality, tolerance, and open mindedness, or become a party which is an historical oddity, which went from a positive image, to one of an extremist group out of touch with the American people and their needs for the future!

4 comments on “Guns, Gays, Immigrants, Women: The Demise Of The Republican Party

  1. Maggie January 11, 2013 9:49 am

    After listening to the news for the past hour, I just read this entry. Professor Feinman…. No one can say it better than you just did.
    It’s a scary, sickening feeling to witness what is happening to the Republican party…. And to the country because of them and their insanity.
    Last night I read numerous articles by gun enthusiasts as well as multiple FB postings. The insanity and fear and accusations from them about even the mention of gun safety is off the charts. Nazsi Germany, 1776, civil war… just to name a few of their fears, anger, hatred, bigotry, disregard for for 30,000 gun death a year in this country, “their” constitutional rights over the lives of 6 yr olds, is all swirling around in their brains! I am honestly wondering and fearing they are approaching the point of no return.. There does not appear to be even one sane voice anywhere in their party… Sadly, enem if there were a sane and reasonable voice, the party would drum that person out and do everything possible to muzzle them.

  2. Nathan January 16, 2013 2:12 pm

    Sounds like you have some hate and intolerance issues to deal with yourself, Ronald. You’re as much an extremist as those you paint with your broad brush. You’re the exact same person as those who disgust you, except you hold different views…but your hatred, narrow-mindedness, lack of objectivity, and intolerance shines brightly! Complex issues require clear and critical thinking, not name calling and derision. If you were writing this piece for my logic class, I would have to give you a D.

  3. Ronald January 16, 2013 5:06 pm

    Nathan, I have no hate or intolerance or extremism. I simply do not support discrimination, sexism, racism or intolerance by any organization, and to say that my view of the Republican Party, as it is constituted today, is somehow unique or unusual means that you must not have a problem with their views on guns, gays, immigrants and women. You are certainly entitled to your views, but since it seems you must be a professor, it stuns me that you would claim that anything I have said is inaccurate or biased. However, each to his own. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Lyle January 16, 2013 7:36 pm

    +2000 children killed every day in the mothers womb.
    16.4 Tillion dollar debt left to our children, and thier children.
    Drone attacks in the Middle East where thousands of children have been killed.

    And yet you expect the American people to believe that your attack on unalienable right is because of “the children”.
    The Progressive/Liberal left are moraly bankrupt, and you “professor” are just a tool. And not a very good one at that.

    A challenge to the “Progressives” since your argument for wanting gun control for the children has no merit. Tell us the real reason for it.

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