Threats Against 36 State Governors: Political Rhetoric Gone Crazy!

All of the recent, irresponsible political rhetoric over Health Care reform, and the general confrontational language of talk radio and Fox News Channel, has now led to threats against 36 state governors, and the FBI is very concerned!

These governors, holding the most difficult political positions as the Great Recession continues, have been warned by a group called Guardians of the free Republics, that they must resign and leave office in three days, or face action to be removed!

This group, on its website, is alarming in its rhetoric, and while they do not specifically advocate direct violence, it is the perfect match waiting to be lit that could lead to bloodshed and violence, including possible assassinations!

The people behind this, supposedly, are people who seem to believe that they have no responsibility to pay taxes or have a license to drive. In other words, they are “sovereign citizens”, who are basically anarchistic in nature, and are seen as similar to the right wing group arrested last week in Michigan that was advocating violence against police and other law enforcement authorities.

This is just further proof of the danger of right wing extremists, many of them connected to racist organizations and militia groups, to our national security. These are domestic terrorists, as dangerous as Timothy McVeigh was in 1995 when he blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building, killing 168 and injuring nearly a thousand other citizens.

We are in a delicate time domestically, and it is the responsibility of all commentators, on radio, television, and other media, to act responsibly in what they say and write, so as not to fuel these nuts among us!

Can we be optimistic that this will indeed be the case, that being responsible as a priority over riling up people and enriching themselves, will be practiced by talk radio and Fox News Channel and other reckless media? 🙁 Don’t hold your breath on that one! 🙁

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