Wasteful Spending

Donald Trump And Wasteful Spending: His Adult Children, Massive Tax Cuts To Wealthy, And Government Shutdown Causing Salary Payments To Government Workers Who Cannot Do Their Work

Donald Trump is the master of wasteful spending, and is on the way to the worst example yet of total recklessness with the national budget.

Other Presidents have added to the national debt and to unbalanced budgets, but had the excuse of engaging in foreign wars, and promoting domestic programs that caused the problems.

But Donald Trump has wasted taxpayer money to provide security to his adult children who are doing private business deals (Donald Jr and Eric); giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy, who already had the tax cuts under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush; and now the federal government shutdown, three weeks in duration and continuing, where close to 400,000 workers are furloughed, but will be paid their lost wages when the shutdown ends.

Meanwhile, the waste of money on the shutdown will reach $6 billion by the time this shutdown ends, if it does in the next two weeks, and after that, ever more waste of taxpayer money will occur.

But Donald Trump, who has never known a rough day for economic survival as 80 percent of the nation has experienced, goes about his merry way, promoting reckless spending for wealthy people, and for his spoiled, privileged sons, just as much as he was treated by his own dad decades ago.