Trump Businesses

The Trump Record: Who Is He To Talk About Hillary Clinton’s Negatives?

Donald Trump has stated that Hillary Clinton has no attributes and is unqualified, except that she uses the “woman card”!

Donald Trump has made clear that he plans to user Monica Lewinsky against Hillary Clinton, as if a wife is responsible for her husband’s moral transgressions!

Donald Trump has claimed that Hillary Clinton is corrupt, and plans to use the issue of the Clinton Foundation against her in the campaign!

Donald Trump is excellent at mud slinging, but if one looks at his own record, these are some of the facts, with many more to be revealed and exposed by the Hillary Clinton campaign, along with diligent media investigation.

Trump Airlines failed, as did Trump Casinos, Trump University, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks!

Trump has had three marriages and two divorces, and engaged in adultery and inappropriate sexual behavior innumerable times!

Trump has had four bankruptcies, and had no problem causing the loss of assets and incomes of those affected!

Trump has outsourced to Mexico and China, while complaining about other capitalists and corporations doing the same!

Trump has hired foreign workers on visas to avoid paying decent wages to American workers at his properties!

Trump wants to use waterboarding, which leaders of the CIA and NSA say will no longer be utilized against terrorists!

Trump wants to pass legislation and promote court cases to silence criticism by the news media, the establishment of censorship!

Trump wants to build a wall separating Mexico from the United States, something that cannot be built in any practical form!

Trump wants to ban all Muslims, a blanket ban, from entering America, so is encouraging nativism and Islamophobia!

Trump has gained the backing of the Ku Klux Klan and other right wing racist groups, and has not condemned them and rejected such endorsements!

There will much more to reveal about Donald Trump, plus his own statements, past, present and future, so to compare Trump to Hillary Clinton will not be productive for Trump!

Sure, Hillary has faults and shortcomings, but nowhere near the number and severity of those of Donald Trump!