Right Wing Ideologues

Conservative Counter-Revolution Against 20th-21st Century Constitutional Law!

America is facing a conservative counter-revolution against 20th-21st Century Constitutional law!

We have Supreme Court Justices and their right wing ideologues who wish to bring back the 18th century Constitutional Convention of 1787, a time when women were totally under the control of their fathers, husbands, or other male relatives.

They also want to bring America back to a time when African Americans were slaves, or if that is not tenable, then back to the era of segregation and lynching.

They also want to bring America back to a time when interracial marriage and gay marriage were forbidden.

They also want to bring America back to a time when there was no right of privacy, because such a term was not mentioned in the Constitutional Convention or in the document produced for ratification in 1787.

The concept of originalism is preposterous, that all constitutional law since 1787 is null and void unless it applies to the exact language adopted 235 years ago!

It would put America back to a time when democracy was only for white male Protestants of property!

This battle is one that must be fought all the way to victory, as otherwise, how is America any different than an authoritarian dictatorship, run with the backing of powerful corporations and wealthy people, and based on the concept of theocracy, allowing so called “religious” values to dictate the lives of 330 million Americans?

Tension Between Republicans And Conservative Ideologues Forecast Of Future

Imagine this: Missouri Senator Roy Blunt, a hard line conservative Republican, is involved in a tense battle with right wing nut Michelle Malkin over the keeping of elements of the Obama Health Care Plan if the Supreme Court declares it unconstitutional later this month!

Blunt, no softee, proposes keeping elements of the Obama plan, including allowing children to be covered to age 26; closing the “donut hole” for senior citizens on prescription costs on Medicare; and allowing people with pre-existing conditions to be continued to be covered and guaranteed coverage. Malkin bitterly attacked Blunt for such advocacy!

Mitt Romney will find similar attacks by right wing ideologues if he becomes President, as they will never be satisfied until the middle class is made poor permanently, and the poor are on the streets dead!

Realize just how nuts Michelle Malkin is, making her reputation on defending the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II, even though her ethnic heritage is that she is a Japanese American! So this woman is a case of self hate, and of hard line nastiness and being mean spirited, a great case for a psychiatrist and psychologist to spend years trying to analyze why she advocates what she does!