Multi Religious America

Donald Trump Wants A White Anglo Christian Dominated America, But The Cause Is Already Lost

Donald Trump clearly wants a White Anglo Christian dominated America, like the one he and I grew up in during the 1950s and 1960s.

But that is a lost cause, due to the immigration laws passed under Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s, and the high birth rate among African Americans, Latino Americans, and Asian Americans.

The white population did not reproduce in large enough numbers, after the massive Baby Boom of 1946-1964, and also many young people have intermarried with people of different races and cultures, creating a large number of mixed race people.

Is this something to be upset about or concerned that it will change America?

The answer is CLEARLY NO, as diversity through marriage and immigration enriches America, and this blogger has never for a moment felt concern for the future by these demographic changes.

America is enriched by immigration and intermarriage, and the only threat is the alarm expressed by white supremacists and white nationalists who think a multiracial and multi religious America indicates a downturn in the future of America.

America is the greatest nation in the world, precisely because we are a nation of all nations, of all nationalities, of all religions, of all racial and cultural groups.