Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has become the sensation of American politics, and his numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire are gaining, while Hillary Clinton’s numbers are declining.
Bernie has gained large crowds, the largest of the 2016 campaign, in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Vermont, and Maine, among other places. People are enthusiastic over him. He has a great amount of appeal for his genuineness and principles.
He has also gained $15 million in contributions from 250,000 individual contributors, nothing as compared to Hillary Clinton’s $45 million, an all time record for a three month period.
He needs to gain support from the African American community, a group he has little appeal with at this point of time, since they strongly favor Hillary.
Also, women seem to want Hillary overwhelmingly.
So to say that he can go all the way to the nomination and election in 2016 is a tall order.
Can a Jewish guy from Brooklyn, who would be 75 years old on Inauguration Day, and is a democratic Socialist, who allies with the Democrats, win the nation?
Is he Barack Obama or is he Howard Dean, fellow Vermonter who was causing a sensation in 2003, and then flopped completely?
Much more likely he is Dean, not Obama!