
Republican Double Standard: Massive Tax Cuts For Wealthy, But Limit Financial Aid In Pandemic

The Republican Party is proving once again that they favor the wealthy with massive tax cuts that add to the national debt, but have no interest in giving financial aid in the once in a century COVID 19 Pandemic, arguing it will add to the national debt!

Meanwhile, tens of millions are desperate, facing eviction, hunger, inability to pay basic needs. This is having not only a physical threat to health, but also emotional and mental!

A payment of $2000 would vastly help tens of millions of Americans get through the increasing pandemic, as the earlier $1200 payment in the spring of 2020 prevented the economic decline from being worse than it is.

Ultimately, more financial aid will be needed, and the wealthy, who have had “gifts” of massive tax cuts three times in the pat 40 years, under Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and now Donald Trump, will have to cough up more in taxes, as they have the patriotic duty to recognize that the entire economy is in the worst disaster since the 1930s, and demands their cooperation!

This includes the super billionaires, including Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and others, who have increased the wealth exponentially in the past nine months!

If Mitch McConnell does not allow a vote, the Republicans will lose the two Senate races in Georgia a week from today, but even if a $2000 payment is approved, the Republicans are harming themselves by their lack of concern for average Americans, only finally agreeing under duress, not a good image for a corrupt political party!

On Thanksgiving Day, An Estimated 26 Million Are Going Hungry And Facing Eviction

As the nation goes through the toughest situation on Thanksgiving Day since the Kennedy Assassination in 1963, an estimated 26 million Americans are going hungry and facing eviction from their homes.

This is the ultimate legacy of the Trump Presidency, at a time when 2,200 Americans died in 24 hours from the COVID 19 Pandemic, and when front line workers, both medical and others, are working harder than ever, with many of them falling fatally ill from the disease.

We have to look forward to a better Thanksgiving 2021, when the vaccine will have inoculated a majority of the American people; when the economy will have started to return to normal; and with a President and Vice President who will have put the American people ahead of their own greed and egotism, in their roles as the 46th President and 49th Vice President of the United States!

God bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!