Congressional Investigations

Russians Invaded American Electoral Process In 2016, And Are Ready To Do It Again In 2018 And 2020 With Trump Support!

The most alarming aspect of Donald Trump unwilling to admit that the Russians invaded the American electoral process in 2016, is that the Russians are ready and able to do it again in 2018 and 2020, with Trump being the beneficiary of such intervention, if action is not taken rapidly to prevent such a disaster from occurring again.

The fact that, supposedly, Trump brought up the issue in his private meeting today with Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit, which was immediately dismissed by Putin, and was followed by both sides agreeing to “move on”, is not an adequate end to the controversy, and the investigation of the issue must continue.

With all of the efforts to fight and resist Trump, it could be that we are doomed to have Trump continue to dominate, with the help of a foreign power, that our intelligence agencies may not be able to combat.

This is totally outrageous and unacceptable, and all efforts by those forces that wish to preserve the election process as totally legitimate, have quite a challenge, as the midterm Congressional elections are only 16 months from now, and the Presidential campaign will start in the middle of 2018, when it is likely that the first potential nominees will start to announce their candidacies, hoping to gain some advantage over those who wait till after the midterms, if they have an election to deal with first, before they announce.

The Congressional investigations, and the Special Counsel investigation of Robert Mueller must move forward with haste, while at the same time, all possible preventive measures are taken to keep the next two election rounds, and those that follow, totally honest and legitimate.