
Joe Biden Needs To Use Executive Orders Vigorously To Overcome Stalemate In Congress

Executive Orders have been part of American government, and often are controversial.

It is clear that President Elect Joe Biden will use this authority extensively to backtrack and reverse many of the Executive Orders put forth by outgoing President Donald Trump.

This use of executive orders has been escalating in recent years as Congress has become more difficult and intransigent, forcing Presidents to take action, which sometimes is challenged in the Courts, but often is not successful in negating what Presidents have initiated.

It seems clear that Biden is likely to use executive orders on such matters as

Climate Change
Covid 19 Pandemic
Racial Injustice
Economic Depression
Health Care Reform
Immigration Reform

There will be opposition, but Joe Biden has done better in popular vote support than when Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and George W. Bush were elected, and these are crisis times, which calls for strong leadership by the 46th President!

Donald Trump (Mussolini) As He Crashes, And Joe Biden (Elements Of Lincoln, FDR, And Obama) For The Future

Donald Trump is acting like Mussolini, with elements of Hitler, as his administration is crashing around him.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has elements of Abraham Lincoln, as he spoke yesterday at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and the future need for him, with the help of a Democratic Congress, and his Vice President, Kamala Harris, to act like Franklin D. Roosevelt, as Biden will face a series of crises on the level of Lincoln and FDR, and also, that of Barack Obama in 2009.

However, 2021 now looks as if it will be a combination of 1861, 1933, and 2009, and we are going to need wisdom, conviction, and strength as the new President will need to promote a New Deal and Great Society combination domestically, and need to have the guts and courage of Harry Truman in foreign policy, to restore our alliances and protect our national security.

Donald Trump Has Committed Negligent Homocide And Needs To Pay The Price For This Crime Against The American People!

As bad and evil as Donald Trump has been, no one in their right mind would imagine that the 45th President would commit negligent homocide.

Bob Woodward’s new book with taped statements of his interviews with Trump show that the President knew how serious the CoronaVirus Pandemic was early on, but went ahead and kept it from the American people, supposedly to avoid a “panic”, which is preposterous on its face!

Trump has been promoting chaos, anarchy, and mayhem for the entire time since he announced for President in June 2015. He is not unwilling to stir anxiety.

But to keep the truth from the American people, and attack mask wearing, and refuse to allow scientists to lead policy, Donald Trump has not only committed an impeachable case on its own, but also a human rights crime against 200,000 Americans who have died, and the many tens of thousands who will still die. This is not even counting those who get very ill, suffer, but fortunately recover.

Donald Trump has no ethics, morals, decency, empathy, or compassion for human suffering!

And the Woodward book shows he has no sense of white entitlement, and unwillingness to understand how African Americans feel about their plight of degradation which has gone on without pause for 400 years, and now is making them, along with Latino Americans, the largest number of victims of the pandemic.

It is impossible to imagine, under any circumstance, that after this revelation, along with many others in the last month, including the book of Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, that the President could possibly win a second term honestly.

That would require a total mental illness takeover of a majority of the American people, and that cannot be conceived to occur!

But by all justification, the Republican Party in Congress should be going to the White House and demanding and pressuring Trump to resign, just as courageous Republican leaders, including Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott, and John Rhodes did in August 1974 regarding Richard Nixon.

But so far, not a peep has come from Republicans, and what it means is that by all moral standing, the Republican Party needs to be destroyed as an entity, as it has besmirched the history of the party that gave us some outstanding Presidents, and members of Congress, and state government leaders.

There is a dire need for total reconstruction and reorganization of those decent Republicans and conservatives not in office, but having a conscience.

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable in a court of law, for the mass deaths on his watch without any rationale, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, and no pardon by Mike Pence should be considered if he succeeded by resignation of Trump to a short term Presidency!

Mike Pence is also guilty of the crimes that Trump perpetrated, as he had to know the truth about the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and was totally a sycophant!

There is no excuse for either Donald Trump or Mike Pence, the worst combination President and Vice President in all of American history!

Why No Criticism By Republicans In Congress Toward Donald Trump And Revelations About His Comments On Military?

The Republican Party has always prided itself on its support and promotion of the military, and their “waving of the American flag” patriotism.

66 members of the party in Congress, as compared to 30 Democrats, have served in the military

So why is it there is not a peep from Republicans in Congress to the revelations about Donald Trump’s comments about his true feelings on the military, that they are a bunch of “losers” and “suckers”?

And even more so, why is it that those Republicans in Congress who have served in the military themselves are staying silent?

And most particularly, what about those Republicans in the House who are required to run for office every two years, and those Senators who are facing election in the six year cycle?

So regarding the better known, more newsworthy Senators who face election, 8 in total:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Tom Cotton of Arkansas

James Inhofe of Oklahoma

Joni Ernst of Iowa

Martha McSally of Arizona

Dan Sullivan of Alaska

Roger Marshall, Congressman and Senate candidate from Kansas

And also the following 3 Republican Senators who do not face election this fall:

Rick Scott of Florida

Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Todd Young of Indiana

And also, among the many Republican House members, why is Greg Pence of Indiana, brother of Vice President Mike Pence, staying silent?

And why is Vice President Mike Pence, whose son is in the military, not speaking up?

Is “White Flight” Against Republicans And Donald Trump Occurring In 2020?

Based on recent polls that seem unbelievable, the idea of “White Flight” from Republicans might be happening.

This would be due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the collapse of the economy, but also due to the shock and outrage of many people toward Donald Trump, and his behavior in the Presidency these past three and a half years!

His incompetence and lack of compassion and empathy is making many white voters reconsider the upcoming elections.

So the number of states experiencing polls that show Republicans running behind for the Congress, as well as the President, are multiplying.

Many suburban women, college educated whites, independents, moderate Republicans, and all age groups among whites, except for seniors, are moving toward the possibility of voting for Democrats in Congress, and also for former Vice President Joe Biden.

There is still, theoretically, time for many of these people to reconsider their move away from Trump and the Republican Party, but since events are not going to get better anytime soon, and actually are worsening daily, that is highly unlikely.

So the situation looks as follows:

As indicated in earlier blog posts, the 20 states and Washington DC, which voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, seem securely in Joe Biden’s camp.

Add to this the six states that determined the election for Donald Trump in the Electoral College, all having voted for Barack Obama in 2012–Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. As of now, the latter four seem clearly in Biden’s camp, and would insure a Democratic victory for the White House.

But Ohio and Iowa also show leanings toward Biden, and other states, thought to be “Red”, also are showing evidence of the same leanings, including North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, but also Kansas, Montana, Indiana and Missouri, and the 2nd district of Nebraska. This would mean 443 electoral votes to 95, as this author and blogger predicted on April 30.

So 34 states could go to Biden, and the Republican US Senators or open seats running in Maine, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, two in Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Kansas, and Montana are all in danger as well.

South Carolina and Kentucky seem hard to overcome on the Presidential level, but both Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell seem in a real tight race for their seats, and could lose.

If all of these Senate seats went Democratic, the party could control 12 more seats than they have now, with 59 maximum, or if the one endangered Democrat, Doug Jones in Alabama, lost, it would be 58 seats. If there is a “Blue Wave”, however, one would think Jones would survive his Senate race!

The way things are going, one could even imagine some of the 16 “certain” states for Trump voting against him by small margins, but enough to give the state to Joe Biden.

This would include Alaska, South Carolina, and Kentucky with a total of 20 electoral votes, so if the maximum imaginable occurred, the final electoral vote would be 37 states and 463 electoral votes to 75 for Trump!

And this would mean that Joe Biden would win by a likely ten point or more margin in the total popular vote!

One more time, in mid to late October, this author and blogger will make a final projection on the likely Senate and Presidential results!

Horrifying Reality: Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Go Hungry And Be Homeless In Coming Months!

With Congress not moving toward additional assistance in the midst of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, due to the refusal of the Republican Senate to take action, and the resultant collapse of the American economy, the horrifying reality is that tens of millions of Americans will soon go hungry and be homeless!

It is obvious that we are moving into a Second Great Depression, with more than triple the population of America as compared to the 1930s, and it will have massive ramifications.

We will see the poor more harmed than the middle class and the wealthy, and racial minorities and single mothers with children will be the major victims.

Crime will rise, much of it in desperation by hungry, homeless citizens, and at least for the next six months, we will be living in a literal Hell, as we have a President and administration that has no compassion, no empathy, no decency, and is refusing to do anything to assist the needy among us.

Donald Trump is far worse than Herbert Hoover, and the hope has to exist that Joe Biden and his team will be able to come to the rescue, with a new New Deal, of the type that Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated in response to the Great Depression.

To listen to Republicans and conservatives would mean do nothing and have great harm continue, causing suicides, child abuse, health crises never ending, and deaths rising, not only from the CoronaVirus Pandemic, but also from starvation and deprivation.

We have been put into this living Hell by a man so criminal and obscene that he will go down in the annals of history as the most cruel, evil national leader in American history.

It will take years, not months, to overcome the damage that has been done, and will continue to occur until the cancer of Donald Trump is removed, and he is held accountable for his crimes, and transgressions!

Massive Number Of Problems In 2020 America

America in the middle of 2020 faces a massive number of problems, all at once.

We have the COVID-19 Virus, which has killed 130,000 Americans and which is being made worse by resistance of many to obey the rules on masks, social distancing, and avoiding crowds. The fact that Donald Trump refuses to set an example is making the situation far worse! This is the worst health crisis in a century!

We have the economic depression, the worst since the 1930s, and millions of people face hunger and homelessness, and it is already showing up with an increased crime rate in poor neighborhoods.

We have a major crisis in mental health, which is a time bomb that can undermine the nation’s future.

We have an environmental crisis, which endangers the nation and is being made worse by the Trump Administration policy on environmental issues.

We have a conflict on race and civil rights, far worse because we also have a President who reminds us of George Wallace in the 1960s, but the difference was that Wallace, while campaigning for President, had no chance to win, only cause turmoil but not make policy.

We also have a divided Congress, which historically has meant little ability to resolve or deal at all with major issues.

We have a court system rapidly becoming more right wing in a nation that is moving to the left, as the country moves to the inevitable majority being racial minorities in a generation from now.

When Joe Biden, God willing, becomes President, he will face more issues and controversies, all at once, than any President in the lifetime of anyone now living!

Trump Is Clearly A National Security Risk After Revelation About Russian Payments To Taliban To Kill American Military In Afghanistan

Donald Trump is proving what any sane American knows: that he is a traitor tied to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, and has been from the beginning of his Presidency.

The revelation that Russia made payments to Taliban fighters to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, and that Trump has done nothing about it, and claims no knowledge had ever been given to him regarding this, is totally infuriating, and requires a swift removal from office.

If only Vice President Mike Pence had guts and courage, and worked to gain the support of a majority of the Trump cabinet, Trump could be forced out, but clearly, that is not about to happen.

There are rumors that Trump might resign, due to his poor reelection polls, but that is still hard to believe, and one has to wonder what Mike Pence and cabinet members knew, and whether they have been in on the scam.

America is in a very bad time, with the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the economic depression, the racial animus, and now this national security issue.

This is, more now than when the Impeachment trial took place, the most crisis ridden moment since the Great Depression, and possibly more so than the events of the 1930s.

There are signs of some Republicans in Congress starting to stir in anger, but the party has been so feeble, one wonders what will come out of the situation.

More than ever, for sure, it is urgent that Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump by a massive margin in November, or the nation is doomed long term!

America On The Verge Of A Second “Great Depression”, All Caused By Donald Trump’s Ignorance, Stupidity, And Corruption!

It is hard to believe, but America is on the verge of a Second “Great Depression”, all caused by Donald Trump’s ignorance and stupidity!

America had 123 million population in 1930, as the Great Depression under Herbert Hoover began.

Now in 2020, it is 330 million, so more than 200 million people higher, about 270 percent higher.

This coming Great Depression is likely to last as long as the first Great Depression, a decade or more, as even the Great Recession of 2008 continued to reverberate for at least another five years after that.

We already have poverty and deprivation much too prevalent BEFORE this event, and now it will get much worse!

The possibility of widespread violence and bloodshed, in a population much more diverse than it was in 1930, and with the much greater prevalence of firearms, at least equal to the population numbers, is a totally terrifying prospect!

And to learn that the wealthy want ever more tax cuts, as their greed and selfishness continues to grow, is totally outrageous. They need to give up much of the Trump, Bush II, and Reagan tax cuts they gained undeservedly in the past four decades, while the middle class deteriorated, and the the number of poor, homeless, and hungry people escalated!

The stupidity and bias of millions of Americans who thought Donald Trump was a savior, and the involvement of Fox News Channel, Conservative Talk Radio, and the Evangelical Christian right pastors and ministers in backing the corruption and venality of Donald Trump is infuriating! His corrupt collaborators in Congress and the judiciary is also a total repudiation of the American people and their welfare!

There has to be a place in Hell for all of these perpetrators who have no ethics, morals, conscience, or scruples!

Two Impeachment Articles: Abuse Of Power And Obstruction Of Congress

The House Judiciary Committee has decided, with the backing of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to bring two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump: Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

While this author and blogger felt there should be more than two articles, he can agree that making the case for impeachment is easier with two succinct articles, focused on what is most evident about Donald Trump’s behavior in office.

And, ironically, or is it so, on the same day as this occurred, Trump met with the Soviet Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the White House, giving further evidence of his collusion with Russia, and his making life difficult for a nation, Ukraine, which has had its territory violated by Russia five years ago, and has led to this impeachment action.

But the Republican Party in Congress is in lockstep behind Donald Trump, having become pro Russian, which would cause a total shock to past Republicans, including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, and even infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin!