Chief Judge For The US Court Of Appeals For The DC Circuit

Merrick Garland The Right Person To Be Attorney General Of The United States!

Merrick Garland is the right person to be Attorney General of the United States in these difficult times legally, due to the disaster of Donald Trump.

Denied a hearing for the Supreme Court in 2016, after his nomination by Barack Obama, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate not willing even to meet with him for consideration for the position, Garland now comes on the scene and will do what is right regarding the many outrageous legal actions and maneuvers of the Trump Presidency, including the horrifying Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

After a long career of prosecutions, including the investigation and the prosecution of the Oklahoma City Bombers in 1995, and service as Chief Judge for the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit for 23 years, Garland will restore the good name of the Justice Department, and will remind us of morality and ethics in law enforcement.

Garland could end up as the most significant member of the Joe Biden Cabinet!