Brown Shirts

Republican Loss Of Principle In Supporting Donald Trump Shocks Conservatives

It is shocking how so many Republicans, despite everything Donald Trump has uttered and done, somehow cannot do what is right, and condemn Donald Trump and refuse to support him.

Instead, they make out Hillary Clinton to be such total evil that they would rather elect an unstable, unhinged, dangerous man, who they would discover cannot be controlled, and would create a constant constitutional crisis, as his Fascist, racist, nativist supporters become the equivalent of Benito Mussolini’s Brown Shirts.

The Republicans are demonizing Hillary Clinton as they did with Barack Obama, as the nation moves inevitably toward another Democratic victory for the White House.

The Republican leadership is totally undermining their respectability and legitimacy by their helplessness with this crisis in their party.

Conservatives may never again trust the Republican Party, as so many of them have repudiated Trumpism, while only a few Republican office holders have had the courage to do so.

As this blogger has written on History News Network (, the Republican Party is about to implode in a total fashion, and may not survive in its present form, and possibly the name itself might become part of the dust bin of history.