Third Party Speculation Multiplying: Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Buddy Roemer, Jon Huntsman, Michael Bloomberg!

It is now eleven months to the Presidential Election Of 2012, and one month to the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary.

We are now facing great dissatisfaction with the Republican candidates for President, and at the same time, unhappiness with President Barack Obama.

So speculation is rampant about THIRD PARTY candidates, and the number of possible candidates keeps on growing!

Donald Trump has hinted that if he is not happy with the GOP nominee, he might run as an Independent!

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who has been dismissed by many in the party but is still running, has also hinted he might go a third party route, which he actually did for the Libertarian Party in 1988.

Buddy Roemer, former Democratic Governor Of Louisiana and Congressman as well, switched parties, but was not allowed to participate in any Republican debates. Now he suggests he might run as an Independent on the AmericansElect organization line, which wants the people online to choose a President-Vice President team which consists of a Republican and Democrat running together.

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, also past Ambassador to China, is being promoted to go a third party route by former New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman, who deplores what is happening to the Republican Party, and Huntsman has indicated that he is unwilling to rule out a possible run. Without saying it, Huntsman, running on the AmericansElect party line with a Democrat for Vice President could be a formidable challenger!

And then, there is NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who claims he is not interested, wants to finish out his third term which ends at the close of the first year of the next Presidential term, and yet keeps on popping up in criticism of the party deadlock in Washington, DC, As an Independent with unlimited funds, he could be a formidable challenger, as much as Huntsman, and might be considered by the AmericansElect group online!

So the likelihood of one or more third party or independent runs for President in 2012 is great, but at the end, it will help Barack Obama if it occurs!