Day: June 13, 2024

Away In DC For Father’s Day Weekend, Will Return On Tuesday

This author and blogger will be away in Washington, DC for the Father’s Day Weekend, and will return to commentary on Tuesday, June 18.

I hope all my readers and followers have a great Father’s Day Weekend!

Outrageous Miscarriage Of Justice In Tulsa Race Massacre 1921 Lawsuit!

In a time of much outrage on so many issues in public affairs, the decision of the Oklahoma Supreme Court to dismiss the case involving compensation for the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921, which killed about 300 African Americans, and destroyed a prosperous “Black Wall Street”, is infuriating!

After a century, there are still two women who are 109 and 110 years of age, who witnessed the horrors and the tragedy of that massacre, and wanted recognition and acceptance of responsibility, and symbolic modest financial compensation by the Oklahoma state government.

Instead, the state Supreme Court dismissed the case, failing to see the symbolism of those events, and the moral and ethical need to make a public accounting in a minor way of that horrible event.

In many states, including Oklahoma, with the attack on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), the discussion in school of such a horrendous event puts teachers in danger of being fired.

This is a moment of great anger and fury as to the disgraceful dismissal of a legal case that even now calls for justice, but will never occur!

It adds to the horrendous record of the state of Oklahoma, not only against African Americans, but also against its native American indigenous population!